Work Breakdown Essays (Examples)

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Compensation Project Work Breakdown Duration Start Finish
Pages: 2 Words: 678

Compensation Project
Work Breakdown





Outline and Define Projects Objectives

Fri 11/28/14

Thu 12/11/14

Summarize Benefits

Fri 12/12/14

Mon 12/15/14

Design Communication Plan

Mon 12/22/14

Gain Feedback

Mon 1/5/15

Research Best Practices

Mon 2/2/15

Intergrate Feedback

Mon 2/9/15

Design Base Salary Strategy

Mon 1/19/15

Create Metrics

Mon 1/19/15

Summary and Feedback Session

Mon 2/2/15

Rollout Date

Mon 2/9/15

Accounting System

Mon 3/9/15


Mon 4/6/15


Mon 4/13/15


Mon 7/6/15

Lessons Learned

Mon 7/13/15


Dear Team,

As you are probably aware of, our project is behind schedule and over budget. There has been a substantial amount of debate and conflict that has centered on designing the base pay structure as well as the metrics for performance bonuses. Many of the different jobs in the organization require a much different approach to creating each of these factors and identifying what is fair and equitable has been challenging on many accounts. As a result our project is roughly six weeks behind schedule as well as over the planned budget for this part of the project.

To keep the project moving forward, many people will have to make compromises…...

Energy Technology Data Centre Migration Work Breakdown
Pages: 5 Words: 1269

Energy Technology Data Centre Migration
ork Breakdown Structure

Network Diagram

Critical Tasks (Highlighted)


Resources Assigned




Brian Smith, who is a network administrator at Advanced Energy Technology (AET) has been tasked with moving a large data centre to a new office location in the newly developed industrial complex at the Corvallis International Airport in Corvallis, Oregon. The company provides application as a service product to two hundred thirty five oil jobbers and gasoline companies. As a result, the company can experience no downtime during the transition to the new facility. Any user interruptions from clients could result in lost revenues and damage to the company's reputation as a reliable IT company in the industry.

The scenario in this case dictates the entire focus of the project. Since the data center components must all be moved in a weekend after the new location is prepared then there is not any allowance for error. This coupled with the…...


Works Cited

Nah, F.D. (2006). Critical Success Factors for Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation and Upgrade. Journal of Computer Information Systems, 99-113.

Somers, T., & Nelson, K. (2001). The Impact of Critical Success Factors across the Stages of Enterprise Resource Planning Implementations. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, 1-8.

Verville, J., Bernadas, C., & Halingten, A. (2005). So you're thinking of buying an ERP? Ten critical factors forsuccessful acquisitions. . Journal of Enterprise Information Management, 665-677.

Charter and WBS Work Break Breakdown for
Pages: 5 Words: 1331

charter and WBS (work break breakdown) for a new project that G-Tech is intending to implement. The G-Tech is an organization that focuses on managing and building a data warehouse for small, medium and large organization. In the last few years, the company has recorded a tremendous growth and the current information systems that the company is using for its services are no more adequate to meet customer demands. Thus, the company has decided to expand and increase the capacity of its current information systems. The next section provides the project chart for the new IT project.

Project Charter


Project Title


Success Criteria & Expected Benefits


Major Deliverables

Acceptance Criteria

Milestone Schedule

Approval Requirements

Project Manager

Reporting Requirements

Authorized by Project Title

Acquisition and Expansion of G-Tech IT 2014


The goal of this project is to carry out the acquisition and expansion of IT (Information Technology) for the G-Tech to accommodate for rapid expansion that the company is…...

Project Management the Work of
Pages: 4 Words: 1138

Rather, the issue needs to be seen from all angles to truly evaluate the needs and responses to these risks as they are identified.
a. List the potential threats and uncertainties associated with staging the Rock 'n'

Reggae concert using the information contained in this case description.

Threats will include drunken or otherwise inebriated fans, accidental fires (especially from electricity or smoking). Also, acts of God such as weather disasters must be factored in.

b. As noted in the scenario, the capacity of the stadium is 8000. Similar sized concert data were referenced in preparation for that given year in the United States. Deaths should considered to give an adequate barometer for preparation for a worst case scenario (Upton, 2004) .

In an international study that the team used in preparation for this project, 136 hundred and thirty-six victims died in 29 separate incidents that occurred in 20 different countries/territories: 32 died during entry…...


Works Cited

How to organise a rock concert. (2008, June 04). Retrieved from .

Upton, M. (2004, January). Risk analysis for major concert events, the benefit of hindsight. Retrieved from

Project management. Retrieved from

Statement of Work
Pages: 5 Words: 2209

Due process is a pivotal aspect of personnel management, particularly within the public school environment in which I am currently employed at a middle school in Brooklyn, New York. This issue is oftentimes complicated by current tenure laws within the State of New York, a number of which have recently come under intense public scrutiny. This document will explore the nature of due process and some of the legislation relating to tenured and non-tenured individuals within New York through the means of a case study. The case study is applicable to anywhere, yet will be examined within this document as though these people and events took place at the aforementioned school at which I am employed. The crux of the case study is that I am a principal at this learning institution in which there is an effective, yet somewhat rogue teacher who is accused by the parents of a…...



The Project Management Institute. (2004). A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge. Newton Square: The Project Management Institute.

Breakdown in EMS Procedures
Pages: 2 Words: 671

Emergency Medical Services System
The components of an EMS system that are necessary to provide high levels of efficiency on metrics such as clinical excellence, response time reliability, economic efficiency and customer satisfaction can be thought of in terms of resources. However, there are a variety of different forms of resources that must work in unison for excellence, reliability, and efficiency to be achieved. For example, even with state of the art facilities and equipment on the forefront of technological development, these resources are virtually worthless without a human resource component that talented, well-trained, and sufficiently experienced to operate the physical resources contained within the system. Too build loyal community relationships an organization must look beyond a "short-term" perspective (Chapter 5, p. 75). Communities must make long-term investments in their public health needs; especially since EMS management strategies, such as the Public Utility Model, can be difficult to successfully orchestrate and…...



Chapter 5. (n.d.). Becoming Responsive by Building Long-Term Customer Relationships. In Relevance Regained.

Fenty, A. (2007). Task Force on Emergency Medical Services. District of Columbia: District of Columbia Task Force on Emergency Medical Services.

Pekkanen, J. (2009). 911! Washingtonian, 60-65; 127-133.

Stout, J. (1980). Part I: Measuring Your System. Journal of Emergency Medical Services, 22-25.

Theory on Work and Management
Pages: 5 Words: 1415

Work and Management
AND Management

The objective of this study is to compare House's Path-Goal theory of leadership with the Situational Leadership model. This study will make provision of an example or application of the two theories utilizing the writer's work situation.

This study will describe the leadership styled utilized by the writer's boss or other CEO or high level personnel in the work organization. For part two of this study examined is how causes of conflict can be found in the organizational and personal characteristics of those involved in the conflict.

This study will answer as to the similar organizational and personal factors and provide examples using the organization the writer is most familiar with.

For part three of this study, Chapter 17 on Career Management will be examined and the following questions answered: (1) What aspects of9 the New vs. Old Career Paradigms can you relate to your work place or any organization…...



Free Personality Test (2014) 16 Personalities. Retrieved from:   Basu, C. (2014) Difference Between Situational Leadership & Path Leadership Theories. Small Business Chronicle. Retrieved from: 

Chapter 17: Career Management (pp. 278-0) Career Management: Chapter Objectives, 2007 Cengage Learning Inc.

Promoting ESL in Work-Based Learning
Pages: 25 Words: 8696

Learning that is imparted through an educational institution or training company within the workplace setting in known as Work-based learning (WL). WL is administered by an external teacher in professional capacity and supervised by an employee of the company where WL is imparted. An exhaustive literature review indicates that it was only after Moser report's shocking revelations, regarding lack of literacy, language, and numeracy skills in one out every five adults in ritain that U.K took expedited policy actions to introduce WL. WL is relevant for all adult and young learners and more pertinent for instruction of English as a second language (ESL). Since medium of interaction and business transactions in U.K is English, instruction of ESL is essential for empowering vast percentage of population that does not have requisite skills to compete in labor market due to lack of language skills. Increased use of computers and multimedia in teaching…...



Anderson, RC & Freebody, P 1981. 'Vocabulary knowledge'. In J.T. Guthrie (Ed.),

Beck, IL, McKeown, MG & Kucan, L 2002. 'Bringing words to life: Robust vocabulary instruction'. New York: Guilford.

Becker, HJ 2000. 'Pedagogical motivations for student computer use that lead to student engagement'. Educational Technology, Vol. 40, no. 5, pp. 5-17. Viewed on 6 Mar 2013, []

Brown, HD 2001. 'Teaching by principles: An interactive approach to language pedagogy'. (2nd ed.). White Plains, NY: Longman.

Leadership and Communication Issues at Work
Pages: 3 Words: 1006

Interviewing HR Manager
When interviewing the HR manager Ahmed Al-Salim, who works at a well-known bank in Kuwait, I addressed three specific questions to him regarding communication breakdowns. Because communication is really key to a strong HR department, I wanted to see how well he responded to breakdowns in communication among the topic areas of internal politics, decisions making and leadership. Specifically, I asked: How do communication breakdowns in these areas influence the manager's ability to function effectively in the job.

Regarding breakdowns in communication pertaining to internal politics, he responded: Internal politics is inevitable at any workplace, regardless of the culture. People will try to jockey for position, will try to curry favor, will be upset about some policy, or will want a co-worker or boss to be either rewarded or censored for various reasons. When two individuals cannot find a common ground or fail to see the other's point-of-view, this…...

Nursing and Health Breakdown Pre-Operative
Pages: 5 Words: 1497

(Sussman and Bates-Jensen, 2007)
Assessment data is reported to enable the clear communication among clinicians about the wound and in making the provision for "continuity in the plan of care" as well as allowing for "evaluation of treatment modalities." (Sussman and Bates-Jensen, 2007) Wounds that are classified as red, yellow and black are those that require examination of deep tissue involvement. (Sussman and Bates-Jensen, 2007) The wound must be monitored during the healing process since monitoring provides the means of "checking the wound on a regular and frequent basis for "signs and symptoms that should trigger a full reassessment, such as increased wound exudate or bruising of the adjacent or periwound skin. Included in monitoring is the "gross evaluation for signs and symptoms of wound complications, such as erthema (change in color) or periwound skin and pus, which is indicative of infection." (Sussman and Bates-Jensen, 2007) Included as well should…...



Aseptic Technique (2008) Aseptic Technique. Section G. NHS Foundation Trust. Online available at: 

Burney, R.E. et al. (1997) Core Outcomes Measures for Inguinal Hernia Repair. Journal of the American College of Surgeons. Vol. 185, Issue 6. Online available at: 

Issues in Wound Care: Appropriate Use of Dressings. Report from a Wound Academy Expert Forum. Sponsored by the Molnlycke Health Care Wound Academy. September 2007. Online available at: 

Khan, Y. And Fitzgerald, P. And Walton, M. (1997) Assessment of the postoperative visit after routine inguinal hernia repair: A prospective randomized trial. Journal of Pediatric Surgery. Vol. 32, Issue 6. June 1997. Online available at:

Internship Involved a Breakdown in
Pages: 3 Words: 806

This particular problem also reflects certain issues with the organizational culture that existed at the institution, which in turn pointed to problems in the perceived value chain in operation due to the relationship that has been noted between the culture and value (Griffin & Moorehead 2009). Though value creation is often viewed in terms of competition, all value is ultimately derived from internal actions and efficiencies, and is eroded by inefficiencies; the cultural attitude that the soiled sheets were simply "not my problem" in the opinion of the aides created an inefficiency and so eroded value (Alkhafaji 2003). This attitude also ran directly counter to the policy of collective and individual responsibility.

The solution to this problem was very straightforward and simple following the identification of the primary problem (or weakness) of the strategy that had been implemented for dealing with the soiled bed sheets. Establishing accountability and restoring the presence…...



Alkhafaji, a. (2003). Strategic management. Binghamton, NY: Haworth.

Allen, J. (2008). Nursing home administration. New York: Springer.

Griffin, R. & Moorehead, G. (2009). Organizational behavior. Mason, OH: Cengage.

Popular Film and a Work of Art
Pages: 2 Words: 681

popular film and a work of art? It is often said that popular films simply recycle cliches while works of art show audiences new ways of looking at the world. This is particularly true in regards to gender. Popular films recycle conventional narratives about women pining for love, about the sexually voracious men who cannot commit, and women who patiently bear their husband's or lover's adultery. However, three groundbreaking films -- She's Gotta Have It (1986) directed by Spike Lee, Vagabond (1985) directed by Agnes Varda, and omen on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown (1988) directed by Pedro Almodovar -- invert rather than restate such cinematic stereotypes.
Spike Lee's film She's Gotta Have It has often been called a feminist film. The central protagonist, Nola Darling, wants a sexually independent lifestyle despite the pressures to commit from the men in her life. Nola is pursued by three men: the…...


Works Cited

She's Gotta Have It. Directed by Spike Lee, 1986.

Vagabond. Directed by Agnes Varda, 1985.

Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown. Directed by Pedro Almodovar, 1988.

Sociology of Work
Pages: 7 Words: 2225

Sociology of Work

Max Weber advocated a management system, which would replace the influence of tradition and personal connection with clearly defined roles independent of those who occupied them. It was the need of his time when he and fellow theorists sought ways of increasing efficiency in production. Machines were then taking over the workload of many industries and people's lives, necessitating an immortal organization. He believed that a hierarchy had to be established to get things done. With the help of his contemporary Henry Ford, the concept of specialization was incorporated into system. Weber firmly believed it would increase efficiency of production. Strong rules and regulations must be set to keep tight control by management ranks. The bureaucratic organizational structure has been handed down to the present time with mixed effects. It has enabled governments and corporations to assert and exert power and to project power in a unified…...



Altay, A. (1999). The efficiency of bureaucracy on the public sector. DEUIIBF Dergisi:

Dokuz Eylul Universitesi. Retrieved on November 27, 2012 from

Carnis, L.A.H. (2009). The economic theory of bureaucracy: insights from the Niskanian model and the Miserian approach. The Quarterly Journal of Austrian's

Economics. Retrieved on November 27, 2012 from

Resolving Various Issues Relating to Social Work
Pages: 4 Words: 1160

Social Work
Scenario One; Mr. K

M.K Elements

My Life is a train Wreck

I can't sleep at night

I can't do my work

I think my boss is getting tired of my mistakes

I also forgotten to pay my some of my bills

Creditors are calling the time

The Chief Reason: My Life is a train Wreck

Rationale- Thinking

Mr. K, I have heard about your story and I regret what you and your wife had to experience. I do not consider divorce as a fruitful option, especially if the culprits are not prepared for their outcomes. However, with a close analysis, you should rethink about your life, especially in relation to your mental health. Based on the synopsis you have been having about your social and economic life, you will agree with me that you might need to change the way you view life.


From my understanding, the client might be initially being receptive towards my words. The client may…...

Conflicts and Communication at the Work Place
Pages: 3 Words: 1155

Conflicts and Communication at the Work Place
Historical ecords

a) The conflict scenario as narrated in Case 10-2 has the following key elements that were important to analyze before an actual model for conflict resolution was taken:

The cause of the conflict provided in the scenario would have been the first element to be considered before any conclusions were jumped at by the conflict resolver. The paramount mode this could have been done was through giving an ear to each of the parties involved in the conflict, in this case, eese and Patel. This element would have ensured that the conflict was entirely solved other than the temporal act just to fulfill the company's and boss' objective (Borisoff, 1997).

The extent of conflict was supposed to be analyzed to help the resolver know the intensity of conflict resolution to be applied.

Time pressure for the defined job was an influence in this situation and thus…...



Boin, F. (2009, April 2). The Power of Technology in Marketing. Retrieved from 

Terrence, H. (2010, August 21). The Essence of Mobile Technology. Retrieved from

Budjac, C. (2006). Conflict Management: A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation

Strategies. New York: Prentice Hall.

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