Claude Perrault And Why It Supports Perrault's Essay


¶ … Claude Perrault and why it supports Perrault's ideas which marked the origins of modern reflection on the theory of architecture. The paper also presents fundamental proves and the reason why Perrault's theory of architecture were very controversial in the past. The paper also talked about Parallel and the buildings measured According to Claude Perrault's Theory and it achievement which led to the establishment of modern reflection of architecture. The concept of architecture theory has been in existence for many decades. It takes the whole point of architecture as a matter of understanding the application in the field which belongs both to the practice and to the knowledge. However, as stated by (Onefrei, 12) architecture theory can be defined as the action of coming up with an idea, discussing and writing about certain architecture. The theory attempts to offer more details on why certain structures look unique and the reason why architects normally decides to give a certain building a particular design. It also provides reason for sudden change in the architectural design from old to modern architecture, theexpectation and the architect's attitudes which have made them to change the way they think during particular periods and led the kind of change which we have experienced previously in the architectural field.

According to Herrmann (2) the theory of architecture highlighted that, the architecture is meant to find out problems which normally take place when architecture does not represent its environment properly. It also examines the causes of such problems and more frequently provides solutions to those problems. The theory of architecture examinesthe success of various architectures and their durability and the way a specific architecture represents a particular institution. The analysis of the success or failure of a single building or the work of a small group of architects in the task of architectural representation is called architectural criticism. Theory applies the same kind of critical thinking to the global level of architecture to the whole of architectural production. It looks at the stylistic choices currently available to architecture and asks whether they are capable of adequately representing the current environment. This is theory's critical role.

In this paper, theories of Claude Perrault and why it supports Perrault's ideas which marked the origins of modern reflection on the theory of architecture is discussed. The paper also presents fundamental proves and the reason why Perrault's theory of architecture were very controversial in the past.

The Claude Perrault's Theory of architecture

As stated by Herrmann (3), the theory of Claude Perrault usually works with the theoretical debate covers mostly the architecturewhich took place in the seventeenth century and involved France and Perrault. As indicated in the book published by Laugier, Herman noted that the theory of Perrault learns the theoretician architecture, and by learning that, it focuses mainly on the main function of theory in the development of architectural production (Herrmann, 4). The work and all other activities of Perrault were usually combined by a similar thread, though knowingly hidden even to Perrault himself. The unifying values in his work wereobedienceto the policies and rules of the court. Even as a writer, translator, architect or academician, Claude Perrault, felt for his work and the critical role waiting for him as a civil servant. He took orders from his superior the King and Colbert. Perrault carried out his dutieswhich gave direct repercussion to the establishment of royal architecture policy, known as the general plan to ensure the supremacy of French monarchy.

A number of analysis of Perrault basically are recognizedas infinity that exist between his theory of architecture and designs which were created by Louvre Colonnade, through testing the modernity which exist and characterizes both theories. As stated out clearly by Alberto Perez- Gomez, the foundation of Perrault's theory was originated from the east facade of the Louvre, which make it look like it more invented in the most radically modern and original, soit avails the principle foundation where understanding of architecture could be made easier. The word of "radically modern" extends so that it legitimates an account that was detected in Perrault. According to Perrault theory, there is an existing refutable evidence which indicate the incursion resulted to a kind of unique sins from architecture has had to redeem itself ever. However, it remains the fact that Louvre colonnade it always a head of Perrault's theory of architecture which appeared much earlier almost several decades ago and appears several times in the Perrault writings. The theory of Perrault is built around the theory of Louvre and that is the reason, it is not easy to separate Perrault from Louvre. It is also...


This however, made him to develop interest to start making an attempt to begin the art of building by developing a rigorous discipline in which creative tasks happen as the exactpresentation of theoretical position.
Moreover, the theory of Perrault offered a late "baroque" France a new model forthinking about authorship and authority in architecture. Thedoubling of columns in the Louvre facade is here discussed in the context of the proliferation of parallelisms and symmetriesthat pervaded French architectural culture as Perrault encountered it, and in particular as he represented it in his conceptualization of the orders. This conceptualization, it will be argued, is evident less in Perrault's oft-cited polemical preface to the explanation of the theory of architecture.

Far from imposing a theory of discord onto a previouslyharmonious order of architecture, Perrault performed an analysisof architecture's discordant Vitruvian legacy in order to derive two-dimensional grid calibrated to encompass both to theauthority of the ancients and the ambition of the moderns.Consider again Perrault's two most polemical claims: firstly, that "the differences between the orders are the only well-established matters in architecture" and secondly, that "in architecture there is positive beauty and beauty that is only arbitrary."

Neither of these two claims was particularly new in late seven-tenth-century France. Where the first is concerned, inventories likeFerret's

Parallelhad amply illustrated the differencesbetween the proportions offered in previous treatises. The practice of measuring the orders had, further, extended beyondtreatises to include ancient buildings, in successive missionswhose findings had only extended the list of discrepancies to beaccounted for.

Allais (6) noted that Perrault main objective was to describe his infamous claims not his own theory of architecture, however, it was rather to provide a vivid predicament of architecture in his time. It is stated that, if the architectural orders were based on the magnitude of dissimilarities, the beauty of the result will always be two fold. According to Perrault theory, his contribution to the architecture simply needed assessments of intersects to be done, to variety of architecture which is carried out (Allais, 7). He completed most of the requirements which was needed through the production of a grid in which architectural modification could be inventoried and checked up properly. As highlighted in his grid, the horizontal axis, which in this casesthe axis of what Perrault, called positive beauty which fast trucks all the differences that have been in existence and continue to persist in the past. However, the point of the vertical axis, which he explained as the axis of "customary beauty," remains to be the main point which escalated his theory, since it gathered the differences that have changed over time. It understood that whathe placed in his grid were the orderswhich were collected from Ferret's theory to complete his work (Allais, 8).

Parallel and the buildings measured according to Claude Theory

As explained by Gomez (6)using the "Table of Entablatures" which is unique in its design. The whole point of axis was meant to emphasizeon the need of pulling together all the relevant measurements made or proposed since ancient times. The table is demonstrated closely on the plate of orders he developed to illustrate Vitruvius, with one significant departure, whereas the horizontal axis suddenlyparticipate in the organization of columns by any kind. Instead of vertical axis making a different which exist between base, column and capital, it emphasizes the distinction which available between Serlio, Palladio, Vitruvius, the Temple of Peace, the Colosseum, etc. Theorists, architects, and buildings all are placed into the same matrix in one fell swoop, Perrault transforms each iconic figure and building into an abstract numerical quantity, arbitrarily different from its predecessors and successors regardless (Gomez, 7).

Accomplishment of Claude Perrault's theory

The theory of Perrault is ranked as one of the best theory of the recent time. Itsachievements is based on the theoretician in the service of Colbert, which was his rejection of the presuppositions on the way architectural thinking for many years until the time, which is backed by great ordinance and power of the Ancient. Its theory also worked much harder to convince people and to disproof the claim that architectural norms were "positive," and originated simply from nature and invariant (Marin, 24). He demonstrated that they were basically "arbitrary," which has got the origin that was social, and that they used to function properly well during those time when they…

Sources Used in Documents:

Work cited

Alberto Perez-Gomez, Architecture and the Crisis of Modern Science (Cambridge:MITPress, of 1983, which offered an argument that is modeled closely on Edmund Husserl'sCrisis of the European Sciences in 1939 and Evanston Northwestern University Oct.1970.

Claude Perrault, Ordinance des CincEspeces de Colonnes (Paris, 1683). Herrmann is not only aware of these facts, but he has written about them in a very detailed article: W. Herrmann, "Antoine Desgodetz and the Academia Royale Architecture," The Art Bulletin, XL (1958), 23-53.

Lucius Allais. Claude Perrault Ordinance for the five kinds of Columns after the methods of the Ancients authored on October 4, 2008, pg. 6-24. Volume 2.

Herrmann Wolfgang. Theory of Claude Perrault, A journal of the Society of Architectural Historians. Published by the University of California Press on behalf of the Society of Architectural Historians Stable on the 3 October 1976, pg 2-24.Vol. 25.

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"Claude Perrault And Why It Supports Perrault's", 16 September 2012, Accessed.24 April. 2024,

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