Dennett Daniel Dennett Is An Term Paper


Dennett says that the consciousness only plays tricks with our minds and makes the experiences to be assumed to be non-physical, which in turn raises the ontological problem of non-physical existence of everything. Dennett, therefore, would seem to offer to take into consideration the small factors in detail, which eventually build up to the bigger picture of the ontological problem of hard existence, to solve the problem. I have come to this conclusion based on the facts mentioned in the intentional stance idea and Dennett's other sayings. Section Six

Dennett's intentional stance to describe the behavior of non-living objects blurs the important philosophical distinction between the living and non-living systems. Dennett's work states that there is no genuine reason...


If being alive is a necessary condition for having a mind, the argument that if a non-living intentional system is a "pseudoagent" then an organism with similar abilities need be nothing more, is undercut at once. Dennett's presumption encourages the construction of artificial intelligence devices with human like behavioral aspects that further support the intentional stance of his Intentional Systems Theory. However, questions will arise, such as that the behavioral characteristics displayed by artificial intelligence devices, and other non-living objects are in fact true and pertain to the device itself, rather than the device being programmed or controlled by a third party source.

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"Dennett Daniel Dennett Is An", 11 May 2013, Accessed.24 April. 2024,

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