Ethics Of Deception During Investigations Essay


Ethics and Investigation: The Use of Deception The following study identifies the ethical codes of conduct required in any form of service especially in the government and ways it can be breached. The particular situations under which such codes are violated include during criminal investigations and interrogations. This is discussed alongside the debate on whether it is ethically correct to use deception and lies during investigations. Finally, the paper gives a judgment on whether the investigators are justified to breach the code of ethics during investigative missions. A definition of two contrasting schools of thought known as the ontological ethics and deontological ethics is also given at the introduction section.


Criminal investigation is one very complex field of administration globally. Ideally, the subject being dealt with touches on some of the most serious offences punishable according to the laws of any jurisdiction. As a result, culprits will likely prefer to die with the secrets of the crime rather than revealing them. It is common knowledge that dishonesty exists among the potential sources of information that can lead to possible arrests for those engaging in criminal activities. The members of the public who might be privy of the crucial information relating to the criminals will chose to remain silent and uncooperative to the investigators in most instances (Long, Fox, & York, 2007). Perhaps, they fear of reprisal attacks from the criminals. Deontological ethics dictates that people ought to act according to the set laws as a moral requirement without question. However, ontological...


It is even considered a serious offence for people holding public offices to lie. For instance, an accused person when making submissions before a court of law is expected to speak the truth and only the truth. It is further taken to the point where one has to swear in front of the court that the information they are giving is correct to the best of their knowledge. In contrast, the prosecutor always works under explicit instructions to provide truthful information about the matters pertaining to the suspect.
However, despite the high requirements for speaking the truth in most of the society's forums, it is almost impossible to do away with the use of lies. Lying appears "prudent and acceptable" when one is forced to cooperate with the enemy as a way of protecting one's life. If a criminal were to coerce someone to divulge some information that may cause harm to the victim directly or to other third parties, the society would expect the victim in question to lie. Some scholars refer to it as "a white lie."

During police investigations as well, the police investigators are not only allowed to lie but they are encouraged to do so. A detective becomes very useful when he/she operates under a disguise. For the detective to disguise himself/herself effectively, lying is not an option. Most of the detectives will assume roles that are very different from their usual ones as well as speaking…

Sources Used in Documents:


Braswell, M.C., & McCarthy, B.R. (2008). Justice, Crime and Ethics (6th ed.). Burlington: Elsevier Science.

Long, D.S., Fox, N.R., & York, T. (2007). Calculated Futures Theology, Ethics, And Economics. Waco, Tex.: Baylor University Press.

Ryberg, J. (2004). The Ethics Of Proportionate Punishment: A Critical Investigation. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

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