Moral Development Do You Think Essay


Stage 4. While not unethical, my organization places a strong emphasis on workers following rules and standard operating procedures. It seldom asks for advice from employees about how to improve efficiency. It encourages employees to work in teams harmoniously, not to rock the boat, and to follow the 'company line.'

Q3. Is your stage of moral development in conflict with your company's stage of moral development; that is, are your ethical beliefs aligned with the organizational culture in which you work? Explain. If not, you may be suffering from a condition referred...


I would like to have more discretion over how I work, and to be treated with greater respect. I would like the organization to acknowledge I take pride in my work, and am not trying to cheat the organization regarding how I use the Internet or my time at work. I feel as if I am treated as someone who must be forced to work, rather than someone with a genuine commitment to self-improvement and excellence.

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