Philosophy Personal Philosophy: The Benefits In Life Essay

Philosophy Personal Philosophy:

The Benefits in Life and in Education

It is necessity for an educator to possess a clear understanding of their personal visions, ethics, and ways in which they wish to conduct the environment of their classroom. Without this strength, the teacher will morph to the limitless quantity of critiques they may receive from employers, peers, students, and parents. Though critique could be in good taste or with the aim to be helpful, it is when a teacher follows their own personal philosophies that they will thrive as an educator.

Two Philosophies that Shape the Way

Personal philosophy reflects a person to the exterior world, demonstrating for others one's opinions on ethics, knowledge, and other controversial topics. As a part of my personal philosophy, knowledge is an instrument that lacks boundaries and may be utilized to enhance oneself. On a daily basis, I use tools, such as books, school, the internet, and other news sources, to better myself and to increase my knowledge about our world.

Knowledge without wisdom proves useless, which is why it is also imperative for me to expand my social understanding. Life's opportunity for personal growth and enjoyment will be harmed if one...


In order to educate my future students, I must understand my specific field of training. While no educator knows one hundred percent of the information regarding their field, it is useful to aspire for this objective. I am able to benefit from knowledge provided in the classroom, out of the classroom, in paper and electronic resources, and through being wise enough to admit when I am unaware of a correct answer.
Every student has the capability to better challenge themselves, and it is the responsibility of their teachers to encourage this accomplishment. It is not uncommon for a student to appear uninterested or deterred by the learning process and may come across as a problem student. This does not alter the job expectations of a teacher; however, many give up when challenged by a problem student. Through wisdom, I may understand and will continue to remind myself that this variety of student requires additional care and attention than their thriving peers. A problem student has the same capabilities as the thriving students; they merely require a…

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