Personal Training Essays (Examples)

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Personal Training-Exercise Habits
Personal training in physical fitness, especially in self-programming, requires a reasonable understanding of science and motivation, and a set of measurable goals that can be evaluated for assessing progress. A personal training client named "elf" underwent a review of personal exercise habits, established goals for performance and upon evaluation recommended changes to habits in order to accomplish goals

Exercise Habits

"elf" exercises with some regularity. A detailed log of exercise, goals and improvement is not available. Reviewing elf's calendar and schedule the following chart shows a typical week of activity:

Physical Exercise Activity Table for elf








Rest Day

3o min



3o min



Rest Day

3o min



Rest Day

3o min









15 min



15 min



Table 1: Typical week of exercise for elf

Occasional circumstances including schoolwork, employment and unexpected activities can impact the schedule of exercise resulting in lost days, however a typical week has the totals of exercise including aerobic and non-aerobic listed above. Logs are not kept to track details….

In addition, I would have her complete two sets of ten of standing calf raises, dumbbell shoulder press, crunches, seated dumbbell curl, back extensions, and cable pushdowns. In weeks one to three, for aerobic exercise on Tuesday and Thursday, I would have Maddie walk or run lightly, whichever she can handle, for twenty to forty five minutes. For weeks four to nine, on Monday, Maddie will focus on quads and hamstrings and calves. Mondays, she will do four sets of ten of squats and stiff leg deadlift. She will then do two sets of ten of leg extensions, leg curls, seated calf raises, and standing calf raises. On ednesday, Maddie will work on biceps, abs and lower backs. For four sets of ten, she will do an incline bench press or a modified version, two sets of ten for preacher curls, and three sets of ten for back extensions.….

Personal Training

Total Fitness and Wellness
In order to develop the most effective total fitness and wellness plan it is important to first examine your personal exercise program and your existing level of physical ability. Whether your exercise comes from walking around the block or weightlifting at the gym, your exercise habits should always be evaluated with three factors in mind: volume, intensity and frequency. No matter which activities you choose to implement within your overall fitness program, your overall results will enhanced by maximizing the volume, or number of times you exercise and increasing the intensity with which you approach the exercise. Furthermore, exercising more often will invariably lead to weight loss, muscle development and cardiovascular health. With these facts in mind I chose to analyze my own personal exercise habits from a variety of angles to assess the overall effectiveness of my fitness and wellness program.

I participate in a softball league….

2) the average price when all respondents are averaged based on time of session = $58.58 (identical)

3) Thus, the average price per hour that would satisfy most of the clients would be $60/hour.

This represents the expanded results of the survey based on members:

Pricing at $60 per hour would be favorable for 45 members, or 40%. Pricing at $50 per hour would be favorable for 65 members, or 58%; This does not mean, of course, that those surveyed would not pay $50, just that their price/value relationship is lower.

Part 2 -- Two Price Levels; daytime $50/hour, 5pm-9pm TBD. The second way to price the services would be to segment high and low demand. $50 per hour for all hours except 5pm-9pm. Management must find a way to price the other hours to maximize profit and allow for peak usage times of facilities. Based on analysis, recommended hourly prices would then be….

Training Session Plan: Job Interview Preparation
This training package is about the ability to dress for success in terms of attire for the formal job interview. The training session will span the duration of one hour and include the implementation of the skills needed to understand the importance of one's personal appearance during an interview, better understand the contents of a professional wardrobe, best express an air of personality and professionalism through job interview attire, and implement these tools into real-world interview settings in order to achieve better interviewer perception and additionally better job offer prospects.



Information for the trainer


Supporting information


Course design








Session plan




Job Interview Preparation

Dressing for the Job Interview

Information for the Trainer

Supporting Information

Appropriately presenting oneself in the context of a formal job interview is a skill that is based largely on one's personal appearance. As individuals, including job interviewers, base their opinions of people largely upon their first perception, one's physical appearance….

Personal Perspective on Changes That Occur Throughout Early, Middle, And Late Adulthood
One of the more interesting things about aging is just how differently people go about the process. In my experience, many people seem to grow older and change very little from their early to late adulthoods as a result, keeping the same interests, friends, spouse, home and job for years and years. For instance, I know one elderly widower, "Mark," who has conducted petroleum engineering seminars in several states nine months a year for more than 30 years. Besides some minor administrative work and continuing education, Mark has the rest of the year to himself and he participates in a number of leisure and recreational activities, some of which he takes seriously. For instance, Mark is still an accomplished ballroom dancer despite his somewhat advanced age (73 years), and he has played tournament bridge games in Las Vegas with….

Better leadership skills from the general manager will also mean employees who not only perform better, but are also more capable and more productive at work.
Job factors

There are several job factors that I usually take into consideration and this is also shown in my current job as general manager. First of all, in terms of the environmental context, I tend to appreciate those types of jobs with a high level of communication to those where the individual activity is more relevant than a collective approach. For me, communication means being able to work in a team, consulting with the other members and determining what the best solutions are, as well as how to implement these. As a general manager, I have the opportunity to be able to communicate quite a lot with other employees, both in terms of coordinating with them and in what passing on instructions is concerned.


P., Phillips, J.J., 2008, OI fundamentals: why and when to measure OI, John Wiley and Sons
6. eliability and validity

The concepts of reliability and validity are often used as synonymous, yet there are some notable differences between the two terms. At a general level, reliability is understood as the ability of a person, system, group or another construction to function at the adequate parameters and to serve the purposes for which it was created. The concept of validity refers to the ability of a result, a statement, a finding or another such system to be realistic, well-founded, sound and trustworthy.

Within the statistical, research and science areas, the concepts of reliability and validity gain new relevance as it is crucial for the studies to be both reliable as well as valid. In other words, they have to be self-sustained and to generate sound and trustworthy results.

The constant characteristic of reliability is that….

Personal Chef

Personal Chefs
What is the difference between personal chefs and private chefs?


Both prepare meals for individuals or small groups.

Both are culinary professionals with flexibility in their working situations.


Private chefs work in restaurants or other business venues, while personal chefs work in the client's home.

Personal chefs tailor their menus to their clients' specifications.

Personal chefs prepare meals to be reheated by their clients at mealtimes, but private chefs prepare meals for immediate consumption.

What is a personal chef?

Personal chefs offer meal preparation in a client's home.

Personal chefs come to the client's home with everything needed to prepare a set amount of meals.


Personal chefs package and store meals, to be reheated by their clients.


Personal chefs clean the kitchen.


Personal chefs offer customized menu planning for clients.


Personal chefs can do the grocery shopping for their clients.


Alternative positions for personal chefs.


Providing in-home cooking lessons.


ome personal chefs work with nutritionists in order to plan meals for people with health….

In the process I will expect my students to take control of the learning process by elevating them to the level of the teacher during the learning process. Learners will have personal autonomy. They will also be empowered. Their participation in class will be voluntary. Methods that I will integrate in my training process will include critical discussion and reflection, problem posing, analysis of media out-put, and the use of social action (Spurgeon & Moore, 1994).
A draft of a brief code to be included in the syllabus to communicate a trainer's commitment to his students and trainer's expectation for the trainees will look like this:




Learning points

Materials required


(30 min)

Welcome and Introduction

Trainer will welcome learners and use his own techniques and methodology to communicate to students whatever should be learnt. He can make good use of critical discussion and reflections, problem-posing, and analysis of media out-put.

Introduce each other

Outline of day and….

Training and Development

Training and Development
"Training is an intensive process whereby an employee's job behavior is modified.

Training prepares and enables a person to perform job tasks at a greater level of efficiency"

(Hertig, as cited in Colling & York, 2009, p. 233).

Training Method Options

If Equipped for Life does not successfully train its staff and volunteers to more effectively confront current challenges Staff and volunteers regularly experience regarding maintaining order at the group's weekly dinner and socially-oriented meetings -- the organization's programs could ultimately "fail." At times, according to Shek and Wai (2008) in their study, "Training workers implementing adolescent prevention and positive youth development programs: What have we learned from the literature?" when an adolescent program reflects negative results rather than preventive effects, the organization's program could be attacked. ather than the program or its curriculum constituting the problem, however, the organization's lack of implementing training for Staff and its volunteers could contribute to….

Personal Improvement Objectives
The world is indeed going through a transformation from a planet with many continents and many nations to a globally connected, much smaller planet where people and states are linked digitally. And so diseases and health problems in India relate in a real way to diseases and health issues in Alabama, and California, and New York and Michigan, in the U.S.

Because of the "smaller planet" reality, once I obtain my advanced degree and become pragmatically committed to a strong work ethic -- using the skills I have learned and fine-tuned -- I plan to offer leadership by supporting nursing practices and policies than can enhance the delivery of healthcare on global level 1. Next, through experience in my practice, and education, I will further develop knowledge, competencies, and the skills necessary to serve the population in which I am working.

Becoming politically active at the local level -- supporting….

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator.
My main goal as a Front Office Manager and Customer Representative was to establish credibility. Due to my people-orientation skills I was able to effectively measure - with maturity - those circumstances surrounding my communications, including situational and cultural context. Through hard effort, patience, and serious consideration of the multi-national environment in which I was required to operate and engage, I consequently adopted an individual style of communicating.

My daily tasks included messages conveyed through channels; verbal face-to-face meetings, telephone, written letters, e-mails, memos, and reports were but a few of the communication opportunities encountered.

Clearly recognizing the actions or reactions influenced by my message, I worked to ensure that my communication was always unambiguous and clear. Keeping in mind that people receiving my….

Personal Protective Equipments for Process Technicians
Personal Protective Equipment in chemical plants

Protection at work

A process technician document and perform daily manufacturing operations in bio-industrial, biopharmaceutical and biomedical settings. They are involved in the operation of process equipment especially within a sterile or clean-room environment. This environment is usually made up of large stainless steel vats with various pipes as well as control equipment linked together. Since various different complex steps exist in biomedical research and bio-manufacturing environments, a process technician need to be equipped with personal protective equipment that suit their work as well as much orientation on how or where these protective are used and their limitation.

It is important for employees to demonstrate that they have understood the training as well as the ability to use Personal Protective Equipment effectively prior to be allowed to start working so that they are prevented from various forms of hazard that they will….

Time Frame

Though individual programs and sessions might have a limited time frame, the most effective organizations utilize ongoing training and mentoring programs, meaning that the time frame for such programs in a true learning organization is purposefully indefinite (Heathfield 2009). New hire training sessions might only last a week or even considerably less, but ongoing mentorship and continued training throughout an individual's time in a specific organization produces both longer-lasting and better-adapted results. There is no limit to the human capacity for learning and change, and this should most definitely be taken into account when attempting to establish an adequate time frame for such programs, especially in the case of mentoring, where experience continually increases (Heathfield 2009).

Evaluation Methods

Perhaps the most effective method of evaluating the success of a given training or mentoring program is also the most simple and direct -- asking participants what they took away from the program,….

3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Training-Exercise Habits Personal Training in Physical

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Training-Exercise Habits Personal training in physical fitness, especially in self-programming, requires a reasonable understanding of science and motivation, and a set of measurable goals that can be evaluated for…

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4 Pages


Personal Training Senior Fitness Exercising

Words: 1336
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

In addition, I would have her complete two sets of ten of standing calf raises, dumbbell shoulder press, crunches, seated dumbbell curl, back extensions, and cable pushdowns. In…

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3 Pages


Personal Training

Words: 989
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Total Fitness and Wellness In order to develop the most effective total fitness and wellness plan it is important to first examine your personal exercise program and your existing level…

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1 Pages
Case Study


NY Health Club Personal Training

Words: 384
Length: 1 Pages
Type: Case Study

58 2) the average price when all respondents are averaged based on time of session = $58.58 (identical) 3) Thus, the average price per hour that would satisfy most of the…

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6 Pages


Training Session Plan Job Interview Preparation This

Words: 2017
Length: 6 Pages
Type: Essay

Training Session Plan: Job Interview Preparation This training package is about the ability to dress for success in terms of attire for the formal job interview. The training session will…

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3 Pages

Family and Marriage

Personal Perspective on Changes That Occur Throughout

Words: 1074
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Perspective on Changes That Occur Throughout Early, Middle, And Late Adulthood One of the more interesting things about aging is just how differently people go about the process. In…

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7 Pages
Research Proposal


Personal Portfolio Profile From an

Words: 1828
Length: 7 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Better leadership skills from the general manager will also mean employees who not only perform better, but are also more capable and more productive at work. Job factors There are…

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16 Pages


Training and Development Components to

Words: 4961
Length: 16 Pages
Type: Essay

P., Phillips, J.J., 2008, OI fundamentals: why and when to measure OI, John Wiley and Sons 6. eliability and validity The concepts of reliability and validity are often used as synonymous,…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Chef

Words: 828
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Personal Chefs What is the difference between personal chefs and private chefs? imilarities Both prepare meals for individuals or small groups. Both are culinary professionals with flexibility in their working situations. Differences Private chefs work…

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2 Pages


Training Development the Field of

Words: 614
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

In the process I will expect my students to take control of the learning process by elevating them to the level of the teacher during the learning process.…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Training and Development

Words: 1469
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Training and Development "Training is an intensive process whereby an employee's job behavior is modified. Training prepares and enables a person to perform job tasks at a greater level of efficiency" (Hertig,…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Personal Improvement Objectives the World Is Indeed

Words: 760
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Personal Improvement Objectives The world is indeed going through a transformation from a planet with many continents and many nations to a globally connected, much smaller planet where people and…

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3 Pages
Term Paper


Personal Thoughts Dear Sirs Attached

Words: 764
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Positions such as Administrative Assistant and Front Office Manager for Celebrity Cruises and Royal Caribbean International consequently strengthened my job qualifications and established me as an effective communicator. My…

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3 Pages
Research Paper


Personal Protective Equipment in Chemical Plants

Words: 870
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Personal Protective Equipments for Process Technicians Personal Protective Equipment in chemical plants Protection at work A process technician document and perform daily manufacturing operations in bio-industrial, biopharmaceutical and biomedical settings. They are…

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5 Pages
Research Proposal


Training Mentoring Training and Mentoring in

Words: 1240
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Research Proposal

Time Frame Though individual programs and sessions might have a limited time frame, the most effective organizations utilize ongoing training and mentoring programs, meaning that the time frame for such…

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