Philosophy Reality, Philosophy, And Technology Term Paper


The scientific method corrects for sensory shortcomings. However, philosophers must endeavor to think beyond that which the senses deliver. Morality, Philosophy, and Technology

Discussion 1: Human/Robot Interface

Current robotics technologies depend on strong human controls; no android exists that can survive independently of a human being either for its creation or for its sustenance. No android can therefore be considered alive in any reasonable definition of the word. Therefore, robots are dependent on humans. Robots do not make decisions; humans make decisions and program robots to execute those decisions. In the same way that a human being operates an automatic weapon to kill another person, so too does a human being operate a robot to kill another person. Therefore, human beings are always responsible for the actions carried out by the robots in their charge.

Discussion 2: The Possibilities...


Just as parents are responsible for the actions of their children until the children reach the age of majority, parents of robots are also responsible for the actions of their creations. A robot kills because it was programmed to kill by the person who designed it. Therefore, the person who designed the robot is de facto a killer too.
Discussion 3: The Possibilities of Sentience, Part 2

If a robot exists independently of its creator, then it is also possible that it thinks wholly independently. From this perspective, the creator of the robot cannot be held responsible for the robot's actions if it should kill another human being. So long as the human being did not purposely design the robot to be a killer, then it cannot be held responsible morally for the robot's actions.

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