Psychology - Personality Myth, Existentialism, Term Paper


By eliminating supposed purpose and meaning that derives from delusional cultural beliefs in Creators and supposed "Gods," existentialism actually allows individuals to create genuine meaning by defining its purpose realistically rather than supernaturally. Personal Constructs:

Personal constructs comprise individual beliefs, responses, and expectations of the behavior of others based on the individual's cumulative personal interpretation of interpersonal relationships and experiences with other people. Personal constructs may differ substantially from person to person even though exposed to many similar experiences because of the influence of hereditary factors, family dynamics, and subtle natural idiosyncratic intellectual and psychological differences.

Constructive Alternativism:

Constructive alternativism is a psychological approach that, in general, rejects...


More specifically, constructive alternativism relies on data in the form of descriptions, observations and characterizations about social experiences and personal relationships to identify beneficial interpretations.
In principle, the cornerstone of the constructive alternativist psychological approach is its inclusive or participatory nature in that therapist and patient contribute jointly to interpreting the patient's relational experiences. In traditional models of psychotherapy, patients are largely uninvolved in the process except in providing narratives of their experiences. The therapist generates the only interpretational point-of-view based on the patient narrative.

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