Spirituality According To The Holistic Model Of Term Paper


Spirituality According to the holistic model of care, a lot of nurses should contemplate their patients' spiritual necessities so that they can give them the total patient care that they deserve (Govier, 2000). There is rising consciousness of the influence that spiritual happiness can do for a patient's real and apparent health and excellence of life (Chibnall et al., 2002; Mount, 2003). Spirituality and spiritual care in the past years is gaining a lot of drive in the present nursing field. Draper and McSherry (2002) mention that it has arose out of nowhere to occupy a noticeable part of present health care. Furthermore, inside the nursing occupation, an emphasis on people as bio psychosocial-spiritual beings is expanding acknowledgement. This view is founded on the basis that there should be a balance or stability of mind, body and spirit for the preservation of health in an individual (Stoll, 1989; Stooter, 1995). On the other hand, there is proof that a lot of nurses, as well as nurse educators, have a hard time with the idea of spirituality and therefore, may disregard this feature of care (Greenstreet, 1999; McSherry, 2000). The purpose of this article is to donate towards explaining the idea of spirituality.

Concept Examination

"A concept is an element that is used in the creation of the theory" (Miller-Keane, 1997, p.362). Concepts are nonconcrete which are originated from specific characteristics that involve hope, love, longing (McEwen & Wills, 2007, p.52). Concept study is operated to define and examine a word and how it is used in language and nursing literature, explanation in expressing characteristics, qualifications and provides new devices for theory and research expansion. Concept analysis can be used to express and evaluate the diagnosis of nursing. ( Tanyi,2002). Spirituality in health care and nursing has significantly enlarged. Joint Commission on Accreditation of Health Care Organizations (JACHO) has given a mandate of health care providers to appear and make an address to a patient's spiritual needs (Tanyi, 2002) JACHO (2005) mentioned that "Spiritual evaluation should, at the least, decide the patient's faith, principles, and what spiritual practices are very vital to the patient. This data would help in figuring out the influence of spirituality, if there is any, on the care/services that are being offered and will recognize if any additional evaluation is needed.

The standards need organization's to designate the essence and selection of spiritual and other assessments and the involvements of the people that are occupied in making sure that the assessment is performed." Spirituality is a very significant concept in the health science setting. A lot of people are not happy with medical treatment. During the time of life pressuring illness with diseases such as AIDS, Cancer, and heart conditions, people can sometimes undergo frustration, rage and loss of hope. In order to meet the request of illness a lot of people utilize various coping means such as meditation, prayer and other spiritual activities.

Aims or Reasons

Spirituality is a theoretical perception and has a lot of meanings because of its imperceptible and nature that is subjective. The purpose of concept analysis is to explain the idea of spirituality in health care and nursing and to sway how nurses and patients should mix this notion into use. The conceptual analysis strategy that was proposed by Walker and Avant (2005) has been utilized as the conceptual framework. The phases in the Walker and Avant model are the following: chose a concept, decide the goals or determinations of analysis, recognize all the various uses of the concept conceivable, decide the important characteristics, recognize model case, pinpoint borderline, related, conflicting, created, and unlawful cases, identify forebears and significances and to define empirical referents. This model was chosen is because it has eight steps. It enables an in-depth analysis of the perception. This model can produce detailed working definitions, make available new devices for theory and research development, and clinically progress nursing practice.

Uses of Concepts

Spirituality has a lot of varied definitions. Funk and Wagnall Standard Desk Dictionary page 649 definition of Spirituality is "Disturbing the unimportant nature or soul of man. Of or relating to God, holy. Sacred or spiritual" ("Spirituality," 1876). "Spirituality can be stated by many as when there is a connection with the Supreme Being God" (Musgrave et al., 2002). A literature review was managed by Tanyi Ruth and she mentioned that a lot of nursing authors like Burkhardt, Reed, Emblem, Dorsey and numerous others have comprised fundamentals that are as transcendence, explaining mystery relations, meaning and purpose in life, higher...


According to Tanyi, spirituality can be defined as a way of being, an invigorating influence that pushes people to get to their highest prospective, a significant and massive way of knowing the world and is spoken throughout a lot of individual devices such as music and meditation. Spirituality may be connected to religion for definite people, for others it may not necessarily be the case. For instance, a person that is an atheist or an agnostic may be focuses on a convincing conviction in relationships that are vital, values that are self-chosen and objectives as an alternative of a belief in God. These principles possibly will become the powerful force in the beings of the people. "Spirituality is obtained from the Latin word spiritus, spirit, the vital part of the individual which regulates the mind and the mind then has control over the body. However, the spirit is the vital life force that does a good job of motivating people and influencing one's life, health actions and associations" (Baldacchino & Draper, 2001). She also makes a good point explaining that spirituality is the middle-of-the-road of life which joins all facets of the human being. Spirituality relates to those that believe and those that do not, as well as the manifestation of different cultural philosophies (Baldacchino & Draper, 2001). Culliford point-of-view was the following: "during the times of emotional strain, physical sickness, loss, mourning and death human beings manage to find ease, peace, inspiration, reverence and meaning by focusing on their spirituality whether they believe in God or not" (Culliford, 2002). In a study that was done by Tuck and Thingajana the connotation of spirituality was articulated by person that was living with the HIV disease and adults that were heavy. The descriptions voiced by the HIV patients were that "Spirituality is believing in God and relating to him, who is always nearby. It is observed as being steered or assisted or being encouraged or giving unto. Spirituality contains the procedure of voyaging, determining and focusing and is externally communicated" (Tuck & Thinganjana, 2007).
Describing Attributes

Attributes are features of the concept that are recurrently exercised. The inherent characteristics of spirituality are: faith, faithfulness, connectedness, inner strength, harmony, and creativeness, love, meaning, holy, and a connection between God/man / eventual reality, soul, religious approaches, heavenly, emotional state, thoughts, contemplation, standards, personal philosophy, imagination and drive. The extrinsic characteristics are religious affiliation, church services, having a good church attendance, prayer, optimistic confirmations, relationship or interaction with God, ranked configurations. Ministers, priests, religious practices and co contribution in experiences that are shared with humans. During the time of disaster, people would turn to a higher power because they believed that their prayers would be answered, along with strength, peace, courage and inspiration. In a lot of people culture, spirituality plays a vital role. Religious spirituality has given people the encouragement and stamina they need to survive on daily basis. Fasting, praying and singing religious songs are widely accomplished in their spirituality. They have a very strong belief in God and their faith is not moved by anything. Worshipping days are usually observed on Sundays. My personal view on Spirituality is that relationship with God. I looked to this Supreme Being for strength, courage and hope. With this concept many people learn how to, forgive, be compassionate and caring, honest and trustworthy. With these attributes nurses can apply them to their patients and override the challenges they face on a daily basis. . I personally practice this concept on a daily basis by meditation, fasting and listening to music that is religious.

Model Case

A model case is a composed story intended from clinical involvements with patients, or actual non-composed examples taken from real life that comprise all the important attributes of the Concept and absolutely demonstrate it. (Tanyi, 2002)

According to Walker and Avant (2005) case examples are utilized to promote further understanding of the concepts. Patsy was a 35-year-old female who had been diagnosed with CVA. She had left sided weakness and she would slur when she talked. Monica was a woman that carried an extremely strong faith in God which gave a lot of meaning to her life but she is furious and in her mind believes that God is out to punish her. Diana told the nurse that she was scared that her boyfriend was going to abandoned her and that she would not be able to get married and create a family. Diana intensely believes in family customs like…

Sources Used in Documents:


Aldacchino, D., & Draper, P. (2001). Spiritual coping strategies: a review of the nursing research literature. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 34(6), 833-841.

Culliford, L. (2002). Spirituality and clinical care. British Medical Journal, 325(7378), 1434-1435.

McEwen, M., & Wills, E.M. (Eds.). (2007). THeoretical Basis For Nursing (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Miller-Keane. (1997). Concept. In Encyclopedia & Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, & Allied Health (6th ed., p. 362). Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.

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