Theory Of Nursing Research Paper


Nursing Theory One of the features of patient-centered care in which the patients are thought to be partners is when the patients are handed over with the help of their participation. It is very important for the nurses to understand the thinking and perspectives of their patients as this can help them in adjusting their bedside manner to suit the expectations and needs of the patients. This involvement can also enable the patients to get more involved in the decision-making process. There is very little detailed evaluation of the bedside manner present in the literature particularly from the perspective of nursing practice. There are particular provider behaviors that have been noticed to be taken as positive or negative on a continuous basis according to the concept analysis. Compassion, care, warmth and support are some of the positive behaviors while disrespect, arrogance and indifference are some of the negative behaviors. The health status, compliance and satisfaction of a patient are greatly impacted by the bedside manner of the provider and how that manner is perceived by the patient. In order to provide effective patient care it is very important for the Advanced Practice Nurses (APN) to have an effective bedside manner. In order to understand the expectations of the patients and to improve the relation between the patients and providers there is a need for more research (Finch, 2008).


This paper assesses theories related to nursing and pertinent fields with regards to their elements, associations amid the elements, logic of the propositions given, completeness, and usefulness to the nursing profession. This paper additionally communicates the assessment of the use of a theory within nursing practice and illustrates logical and critical thinking in the analysis and application of a theory to nursing practice.


Interpreting the perceptions that the patients have regarding the shift-to-shift bedside manner is the aim of this study. The intention of conducting this study was to use its findings in helping the nurses adjust their bedside manner according to the expectations and nature of the patients and understating what it is that the patients want from them. This sort of involvement from the nurses will not only help the patients recover but will also encourage them to take part in the decision making process in an active manner. The perspective of the patients regarding the shift-to-shift bedside nursing handover has been examined in this study.

Review of Literature

A very important role in the safety of patients is played by the clinical communication as: it is the miscommunication that is majorly responsible for a lot of the mishaps (McMurray, Chaboyer, Wallis & Johnson, 2010).

A lot of nursing research studies have been conducted on the bedside nursing handover. One reason because of which the bedside handover isn't used on a greater scale is probably the function and structure of majority of practice settings which put emphasis on the expert practice model instead of the partnership among patients and nurses. When a concept analysis was conducted in one study on the nurse-patient partnership they found out that this term 'nurse-patient partnership' is linked with mutuality, collaboration, citizen involvement and participation. It was further reported by them that today there exists a more empowering environment for the patients and this is mainly due to the trend shifting to the more patient-enabling participative approach as compared to the traditional expert practice model (McMurray et al., 2010).

With regards to this new and changing trend the nurses are now more involved with the patients, they listen to them more closely and have generally become more attentive to them which has helped in building a trusting relationship among the patients and the nurses. Hence, the patients become more empowered due to the patient-centered care and they can get as involved in their treatment and medication as their knowledge and abilities allow them to. The professional appreciation by the nurses of these empowering attributes have been discussed and seconded by a number of researchers. Although an absence of theoretical connection was seen in her analysis amongst the patient care delivery by the nurses and the partnership between the nurses and patients (Hook, 2004). In order to deal with this lack of connection an evaluation of the clinical situations was recommended by (McMurray et al., 2010).


Bedside manner is a term which can be traced back to the year 1869. This term means the conduct and behavior of a physician with a patient...


In order to clarify the term "manner" furthermore it can be described as "a way in which one acts." "Bedside" is a term which means "the side of a bed."
In the light of the above mentioned definitions it can clearly be seen that the term 'bedside manner' can be explained as the way in which an individual or people behave. It is in a social gathering such as groups, organizations or communities that the human behavior can be understood as in these situations people don't only come across opportunities but they also face various restrictions and the way that they react to those situations is their behavior (Finch, 2008).

Defining Attributes

The features which help us in understanding a concept and that are present in the literature continuously whenever the concept appears are known as the defining attributes. There are three further attributes that the defining attributes can be sub-categorized into and these are care, compassion and support. It is interesting to note that the terms like friendly, gentle, warm and kind which are most obvious are hardly ever used (Walker & Avant, 2005).

Content Analysis method

A review was conducted all through the last decade till present and the literature regarding public health, nursing, social science and medical was reviewed in it. The methods that were made use of in order to conduct the research regarding the concept of bedside manner were manual searches, reviewing the quantitative and qualitative studies, tracking citations and computer searchers by making use of 'bedside manner' as the keyword. Along with these methods the literature regarding the bedside manner was also reviewed. In the concept analysis Walker and Avant (2010) method was made use of.

Antecedents and Consequences

The basic and primary starting point in case of the bedside manner is the interaction between the patient and provider. Whenever there is interaction between the patient and provider there will always be the bedside manner and it is this manner which will result in a negative or positive experience (Finch, 2008). There are a number of places where these interactions can take place such as the community clinics, through telephone, in the medical offices or in the hospitals. It is not necessary for the bedside manner to be verbal as interaction can be nonverbal as well such as body language.

It has been noted through the present research as well that the bedside manner is actually a skill which basically means that if someone doesn't show it, it might still develop and become better. It is possible to learn good bedside manner however, the specialized bedside manner isn't a part of the beginners training. According to the theory of human behavior that has been given by Merton all the interactions between humans have succeeding consequences and therefore, intentional or unintentional behavior can be shown by the providers irrespective of the fact that training regarding that behavior has been given to them or not (Finch, 2008).

It is possible that the negative bedside manner can have an impact as dramatic as that of the positive bedside manner. It has been noticed that the patients who believe their provider's behavior to be poor don't follow their regimen as properly and don't have as positive results as the ones who are more satisfied with their providers behavior (Finch, 2008).

Model Cases

It was at the grand rounds when a case was presented of a young man who had died due to a critical emergency. A letter that was written by the mother of the young man was read by the surgical professor at the Boston Mecca Hospital. In the letter the mother said that when his son's condition became serious and she was asked to leave the room she noted how scared her son was but no one paid any attention to his feelings rather the doctor's only concern was to prep him for surgery. When the surgeon asked the students and other doctors present at the meeting what should have the doctor done at that time there was only one person who could answer this question. The answer was that he should have tried to comfort the patient by whispering encouragements to him. It was noted by Verghese after this incident that it is indeed true how the feelings of the patients and the family members are often forgotten (Silverman, 2012).

One more suitable example here is that of the movie 50/50. In this movie a true story has been told by Will Reiser who is a cancer survivor. He shows in the movie how after his examination the doctor immediately informs him of the tumor which is located on his spine rather than first preparing him…

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"Theory Of Nursing" (2014, September 24) Retrieved April 16, 2024, from

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