Synthesis Essays (Examples)

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A synthesis essay is a very specific type of research paper, where you are asked to draw upon specific sources to support your thesis.  These sources are generally ones that have been assigned as reading for a class or that relate to reading ...

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Synthesis of Aspirin

Aspirin is a most widely bought and used drugs for pain, fever and inflammation. Its main ingredient, salicylic acid, is irritating to the stomach and the drug must be modified. This experiment synthesizes aspirin with the use of salicylic acid as reactant. The experiment yielded a more acceptable, less irritating drug.
ackground of Experiment and Lab Concepts

Present records say that more than 15,000 pounds of aspirin are sold daily (Smith n.d.). It is effective in relieving or reducing different body pains. The first to successfully synthesize it was Charles Frederic Gerhardt in 1853 by creating acetylsalicylic acid but did not market his discovery. A German chemist Felix Hoffman in 1899 who worked for the ayer Company picked up Gerhardt's concept. It worked on his father's arthritis and Hoffman convinced his company to market the amazing drug. It was patented with the name aspirin on February 27, 1900 (Smith).

This experiment will synthesize….

Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease
Dealing with Dementia and the progression of Alzheimer's disease through its three stages is often a daunting and distressing task. Most often relatives feel isolated and without help as if they were to be left alone, having no help to deal with the "unknown." They are also afraid of having to watch their loved ones become more and more distant, potentially losing a horrible battle with this disease. n order to help with this fear of the "unknown" you need to first understand Dementia, Alzheimer's disease and the three stages that accompany Alzheimer's.

The search for information on this issue used multiple sources available. Searches were conducted through the Cochrane Library, PubMed, the Cumulated ndex of Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CNAHL), the nstitute for Healthcare mprovement and Dynamed. Keywords for searches included: difficult patient, dementia and management. The broader search term "dealing with difficult patients" netted….

American companies may be unwilling to participate in some aspects of the 'grey economy' of bribery that locals take for granted. However, the memory of Western colonialism in many regions of the world is still fresh, and Americans must be sensitive to the fact that they may not always be welcomed automatically with open arms.
Unfortunately, the symptoms of culture shock are often counterproductive to creating an understanding relationship -- negative thoughts and comments about the local culture, and exaggerating one's own cultural norms (such as aggressiveness) are common (Wederspahan 2002). Intense scrutiny of the local culture and intense self-scrutiny about one's own cultural norms are the best antidotes to such behaviors. Becoming educated about the culture, language, history, and communication styles of the nation before going abroad should become a regular part of all business standard operating procedures. Additionally, Americans should be asked to rigorously compare their own standard….

Immigration Twenty-First Century" This synthesis essay; involves essays "Amnesty?" John
Immigration in the Twenty-First Century

Immigration in the twenty-first century is one of the most widely debated issues in the United States. Many different states, liberals and conservatives have denoted varying stances on this topic, which seemingly becomes more pressing every day as the number of undocumented workers continues to grow. This phenomenon is widely discussed in a pair of essays by John Kavanaugh and Fred eed, respectively. In the latter's piece of literature, "Why Blame Mexico?," the author deconstructs this topic from the perspective that the United States does not actually want to stop illegal aliens from coming into the country. In the former's literary work, "Amnesty?," the author discusses humanitarian and even religious reasons for tolerating and even granting amnesty to undocumented workers. As I see it, all humans deserve a fair chance to succeed in life and illegal….

Digital Sound Synthesis and Usability Testing
Overview of analogue/digital synthesizers and their input in the music industry

An essential issue in the researches of new media happens to be to investigate and clarify the connection between technological development and cultural revolutions. In this case, digital technology has usually been seen as the single most significant tool in the design of numerous of today's new cultural terminologies. In media that is heavily reliant on computers and relative software, like blogs, the case becomes even more palpable; however, digital technologies may also be associated with changes in more conventional media like film, music as well as literature. Many comprehend the emergence of those novel expressions due to new technology conquering the restrictions of the earlier versions of the analogue format of media. After this argument, you might end up expecting that producing inventive documents in a brand new millennium will be the consequence of….

Cellular protein synthesis is a two step process. The first process is DNA transcription in which inside the cell's nucleus a gene encoding protein is copied into RNA. Then genes, in the form of DNA, are branded into the cell's chromosomes. Essentially this transcription process is copying mechanism. The next step in cellular protein synthesis is RNA translation. This step occurs after the mRNA has been moved to the ribosomal translation machines. These ribosomes are then read like a book and placed in specific sequences in order to produce the desired cell structure.
Brown University's Health Education ebsite list several advantages of a vegetarian diet. They include the following:

According to the ADA, vegetarians are at lower risk for developing:

Heart disease

Colorectal, ovarian, and breast cancers



Hypertension (high blood pressure)

Protein and calcium are lacking in a vegetarian diet however and these important building blocks of life need to be replaced in order for the….

While he agrees that ethics training plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the profession and insulating it from corruption, the detective believes that societal dynamics are more important in that sense than any kind of formal training.
Theories of Police Misconduct:

The special agent expressed the belief that criminality has many different causes and that they operate both individually and in myriad combinations in different people. He acknowledges that there is often a biological or hereditary component to many of the behaviors that expose one to increased risk of criminal misconduct as well as the importance of the external environment. In that regard, he suggested that one of the most significant factors in criminal police misconduct is an ethical commitment throughout the agency hierarchy. According to the agent, training is relatively ineffective to whatever extent agency supervisors do not implement and exemplify ethical ideals in their supervisory capacity.….

low stress levels and a sense of peace to maintain a higher health index. There were four sources used to complete this paper.

Today's Americans are living longer than ever before and enjoying a higher quality of life than in past years.

Recent research has concluded that heart patients who can improve their mood often have fewer symptoms and break through than those who cannot improve their mood.

This is further evidence that a sense of well-being can contribute to a better health index for an individual when all other things are even. If a person has a heart or blood pressure problem stress can induce additional symptoms.

In Japan and other nations there is a smaller gap between the wealthy and the average income. CEOS in Japan make 15-20% more money than the factory workers, while in America there is sometimes a 500-fold increase in the same….

Tom Shulich ("ColtishHum")
Literature Review and Synthesis of Research on Time Management

Psychologists have conducted research into the effectiveness of various time management techniques for organizing work and personal life. Time management is also a popular topic for self-help books, PowerPoint presentations, and instructional web videos (for example, Allen, 2001; Mann, 2007; McGhee, 2005; Spidal, 2009). The untested assertions found in some of the practical manuals provide testable hypotheses that psychologists can investigate empirically using controlled samples and statistical models. These researchers have found some of the popularly promoted time-management advice to be supported by the research, and other recommendations to be of questionable value.

In this essay, I will compare, contrast and synthesize information presented in the three publications on time management: Bruce K. Britton and Abraham Tesser (1991), Therese Hoff Macan (1994), and Debra Spidal (2009). Each of these authors approaches the problem from different angles. Together their work covers different….

However, the scope of that literature search probably should have included other relevant terms such as empathy, attitude, and (perhaps) burnout, since negative changes in vocational satisfaction could conceivably impact on caring in nursing. It also seems to have been a mistake to exclude data form nursing students, particularly in relation to the potential relevance of attitudinal and motivational factors common to those who select nursing as a profession in the first place. That choice would only have lent greater support to any conclusions about interpersonal factors associated with caring.
Given those limitations based on the choice to restrict the data to literature containing the word caring from a population that excluded nursing students, the methodology relied upon was of high quality because it likely identified all of the available literature based on those parameters. The use of coding of highly qualitative data seems to have been an artificial way….

forum's follow comments's response. Purpose synthesis accurately captures essence insights discussion provide analysis.
Discussion summary: Perceptions of APNs in practice

The focus of this week's discussion was upon the 'trust factor' regarding the expanding roles APNs are playing in healthcare. The original article which acted as a springboard to the discussion suggested that patients are often more satisfied with APN-directed care than physician-provided care, perhaps due to the greater sensitivity and better bedside manner of APNs. There was an extended discussion amongst the participants about how to offer care that was attenuated to patient's emotional as well as physical needs, yet still efficient and mindful of time constraints of the healthcare environment.

Gender may also be a factor when dealing with female patients, particularly in regards to gynecological matters: more APNs are female, so women often feel that APNs are more sensitive about female health needs. However, gender stereotypes can also work….

Jet Blue Case Study Synthesis
Jet Blue alternative solutions

The aviation industry within the U.S.A. is facing a tough time and has been since the 9/11 event that brought the entire industry to a standstill for a considerable number of days. The recovery has been slow and the trends inconsistent since then. Coupled with the stiff competition that the local airlines have, the American market in terms of the air passengers need a variation in the approach to the industry away from the traditional way and these alternative means have been successfully exploited by Jet Blue to emerge one of the single most effective local airlines in the U.S.A.

One of the strong areas of the company is the management that invested in implementing various strategies that proved to be right at the very start of it all. The management was able to provide marvelous customer service all round at an affordable cost….

As I was moving back into the right lane, having passed the slow moving truck with the hardened tomatoes, a similar truck with an identical load of tomatoes passed us both going in the other direction. There was an entire truckload of tomatoes headed East for who know how many hundreds or possibly thousands of miles, and another truckload headed in the opposite direction possibly even farther! There is no greater illustration available for the inefficiencies of our modern food system than had a satellite snapped a birds-eye-view photograph of these two tomato trucks passing each other, on there way to destinations unknown with tomatoes that likely could have been eaten ten miles from where they were picked. When McKibben points out inefficiencies, he mentions many of the alarming figures requiring transportation costs and other factors. But the sheer time wasted, and the logistical ineptitude that is apparent in this….

Graduate school only exacerbates this problem. Meanwhile. The competition for jobs after of college is quite fierce, and it has been suggested that spending the four or five years one would spend in college spent working, making contacts, and getting promoted might actually be of better use to many. Similarly, de Tocqueville noted that most people simply cannot achieve the amount of wealth that the Americans seemed to think their freedom entitled them to. Not only were there various obstacles that many couldn't or wouldn't overcome, but the simple fact of limited resources means that the majority of people mathematically could not become as wealthy as they wished. There are limited jobs with security and a decent pay rate today, but high school students are told that college -- rather than entering the workforce -- guarantees them a better life.
This applies directly to my life as a college student.….

Rigidity rather than responsiveness has increasingly become the norm.
In a McDonalds-style approach to education, efficiency and speed when serving the customer and demonstrating that the customer is being served through quick and demonstrable statistical results, is most important. A McDonalds-style institution must meet uniform standards, rather than create a shared 'meal' or experience -- this is the goal of the McDonald's enterprise, and sadly, far too many schools and school administrators and legislatures, in terms of how they measure student, classroom, and teacher performance.

As schools can exhibit some of the worst as well as the best qualities of bureaucracy, the McDonaldization or franchise, factory system of quality standardization must not hold sway. Ideally, an educational organization should be not a franchise, even a healthy franchise like Subway, but a learning organization. Learning organizations actively seek input from all involved parties, which in the case of the school, would be….

A synthesis essay is a type of essay that uses a variety of different sources to support a central claim.  The central claim must be well-supported within the synthesis essay, even if it is not the most likely claim or generally assumed to be true outside of the essay.  Writing a synthesis essay has two main parts: synthesizing sources and supporting your main claim.

It is possible to write a synthesis essay about a hypothetical claim, but it will be more difficult to find the literature to support your claim. That is because you will not....

Bloom’s taxonomy is a way of using three hierarchical models to classify learning objectives.  Bloom’s taxonomy breaks learning down into three broad models based on learning styles: cognitive, affective, and sensory.  It then further divides each of these three larger categories into smaller areas. The cognitive domain is divided into knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.  The affective domain is divided into receiving, responding, valuing, organizing, and characterizing.  The sensory domain is divided into perception, set, guided response, mechanism, complex overt response, adaptation, and origination. It can be helpful to keep these various....

A literature review is a particular type of academic assignment. You need to find relevant literature for your topic, summarize it, and analyze it. Since your topic is deforestation, you want to search for literature on that topic for your literature review. However, you want to make sure you choose suitable types of literature. For an academic paper, that means focusing on peer-reviewed articles, book chapters, and other scholarly works.

First, think about your central question. The query appears to concern the tipping point, where deforestation will have irreversible environmental consequences. In fact, deforestation....

1. The Role of Plants in the Earth's Ecosystem

Discuss the significance of plants in producing oxygen through photosynthesis and absorbing carbon dioxide, thus maintaining the balance of atmospheric gases.
Explore the role of plants in nutrient cycling, soil conservation, and providing habitat and food for wildlife.
Analyze the impact of human activities, such as deforestation and pollution, on plant communities and ecosystem health.

2. Plant Adaptations to Diverse Environments

Describe the various adaptations that plants have evolved to survive in different habitats, including deserts, rainforests, and aquatic environments.
Discuss how plant structures, such as leaf morphology, root systems, and reproductive....

2 Pages
Lab Report


Synthesis of Aspirin

Words: 659
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Lab Report

Aspirin is a most widely bought and used drugs for pain, fever and inflammation. Its main ingredient, salicylic acid, is irritating to the stomach and the drug must be…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Death and Dying  (general)

Dealing With Difficult Dementia Patient Synthesis of the Evidence and Methodology of Search

Words: 686
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease Dealing with Dementia and the progression of Alzheimer's disease through its three stages is often a daunting and distressing task. Most often relatives feel isolated…

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2 Pages


Successful Expatriate Training Synthesis Successful

Words: 649
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

American companies may be unwilling to participate in some aspects of the 'grey economy' of bribery that locals take for granted. However, the memory of Western colonialism in…

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4 Pages

American History

Immigration Twenty-First Century This Synthesis Essay Involves

Words: 1248
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Essay

Immigration Twenty-First Century" This synthesis essay; involves essays "Amnesty?" John Immigration in the Twenty-First Century Immigration in the twenty-first century is one of the most widely debated issues in the…

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20 Pages

Education - Computers

Digital Sound Synthesis and Usability Testing

Words: 5640
Length: 20 Pages
Type: Dissertation

Digital Sound Synthesis and Usability Testing Overview of analogue/digital synthesizers and their input in the music industry An essential issue in the researches of new media happens to be to investigate…

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2 Pages

Not Specified

Cellular Protein Synthesis Is a Two Step

Words: 506
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

Cellular protein synthesis is a two step process. The first process is DNA transcription in which inside the cell's nucleus a gene encoding protein is copied into RNA. Then…

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5 Pages

Criminal Justice

Law Enforcement Interview Synthesis Introduction

Words: 1430
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Thesis

While he agrees that ethics training plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of the profession and insulating it from corruption, the detective believes that societal dynamics…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Explanatory Synthesis About Well-Being and Health

Words: 1202
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

low stress levels and a sense of peace to maintain a higher health index. There were four sources used to complete this paper. USIG OUR HEAD AD HEART TOGETHER Today's…

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5 Pages

Business - Management

Tom Shulich Coltishhum Literature Review and Synthesis

Words: 1630
Length: 5 Pages
Type: Essay

Tom Shulich ("ColtishHum") Literature Review and Synthesis of Research on Time Management Psychologists have conducted research into the effectiveness of various time management techniques for organizing work and personal life. Time…

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2 Pages
Research Paper

Health - Nursing

Meta-Synthesis Review of Prior Research

Words: 653
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Research Paper

However, the scope of that literature search probably should have included other relevant terms such as empathy, attitude, and (perhaps) burnout, since negative changes in vocational satisfaction could…

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2 Pages

Health - Nursing

Forum's Follow Comments's Response Purpose Synthesis Accurately

Words: 638
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Essay

forum's follow comments's response. Purpose synthesis accurately captures essence insights discussion provide analysis. Discussion summary: Perceptions of APNs in practice The focus of this week's discussion was upon the 'trust…

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3 Pages
Case Study


Jet Blue Case Study Synthesis

Words: 987
Length: 3 Pages
Type: Case Study

Jet Blue Case Study Synthesis Jet Blue alternative solutions The aviation industry within the U.S.A. is facing a tough time and has been since the 9/11 event that brought the entire…

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2 Pages


Economy Summary Synthesis and Application

Words: 587
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

As I was moving back into the right lane, having passed the slow moving truck with the hardened tomatoes, a similar truck with an identical load of tomatoes passed…

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2 Pages


Restless Americans Summary Synthesis and

Words: 626
Length: 2 Pages
Type: Thesis

Graduate school only exacerbates this problem. Meanwhile. The competition for jobs after of college is quite fierce, and it has been suggested that spending the four or five…

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4 Pages
Term Paper


Organizational Theory A Synthesis and

Words: 1252
Length: 4 Pages
Type: Term Paper

Rigidity rather than responsiveness has increasingly become the norm. In a McDonalds-style approach to education, efficiency and speed when serving the customer and demonstrating that the customer is being…

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