Adolescent Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation Thesis

Community Philosophy

The current community philosophy regarding smoking among teens is foundational to the development of a comprehensive risk behavior intervention standard. Smoking behaviors among teens in the community are highly visible, while other risk behaviors are more hidden, it is therefore clear that smoking cessation in this age group could prove a substantial beginning in both the secondary prevention of long-term adult smoking and for the overall goal of reducing concurrent risk taking behaviors among teens.


ALA N-O-T training fee


Copies of Packet Materials based on an enrolment rate of 20 students per school (serving 5 schools = n 100)


Labor Student Nurse 75 hours x $14 per hour




Nursing Process Intervention and Evaluation


Learning Domain

Topical Outline for Each Objective

Plan For Evaluation

Obtain Buy In from School Board on N-O-T program

Cognitive awareness of N-O-T effectiveness and relative low cost

1 school board meeting in September

Successful approval of proposal

Student Nurse Attend ALA training

Cognitive Awareness...


Dino, G.A. Kalsekar, I.D. Fernandes, A.W. (February 2004) Appalachian Teen Smokers: Not On Tobacco 15 Months Later. American Journal of Public Health 94(2), 181-184.
Myers, M.G., & Kelly, J.F. (2006). Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents with Alcohol and Other Drug Use Problems. Alcohol Research & Health, 29(3), 221.

Nabors, L., Iobst, E.A., & Mcgrady, M.E. (2007). Evaluation of School-Based Smoking Prevention Programs. Journal of School Health, 77(6), 331.

Seo, D., Torabi, M.R., & Weaver, A.E. (2008). Factors Influencing Openness to Future Smoking among Nonsmoking Adolescents. Journal of School Health, 78(6), 328.

Sources Used in Documents:


American Lung Association N-O-T Website (2009) Retrieved July, 15, 2009

Horn, K. Dino, G.A. Kalsekar, I.D. Fernandes, A.W. (February 2004) Appalachian Teen Smokers: Not On Tobacco 15 Months Later. American Journal of Public Health 94(2), 181-184.

Myers, M.G., & Kelly, J.F. (2006). Cigarette Smoking among Adolescents with Alcohol and Other Drug Use Problems. Alcohol Research & Health, 29(3), 221.

Nabors, L., Iobst, E.A., & Mcgrady, M.E. (2007). Evaluation of School-Based Smoking Prevention Programs. Journal of School Health, 77(6), 331.

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"Adolescent Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation" (2009, July 20) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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"Adolescent Smoking Cessation Smoking Cessation", 20 July 2009, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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