Advertising Classical Conditioning And Behaviorism Essay


In a recent L’Oreal advertisement, the company capitalizes on diversity. The product being advertised is the “True Match” brand of foundation. The tagline in the advertisement reads, “Your skin has a story. It’s a mosaic of all the faces before it.” The unconditioned stimulus is the imagery itself, which the company hopes will connect with the viewer’s emotions related to connectivity with community, discovering one’s roots, taking pride in one’s culture, and honoring one’s own personal story. Likewise, the advertisement is a neutral stimulus and would be especially for male viewers. L’Oreal’s marketers aim for a conditioned response (CR) that will entail the consumer taking action by purchasing the product. The conditioned stimulus is related to cultural concepts of diversity. Also, the text of the ad uses the term “mosaic,” and the imagery of a mosaic accompanies this text. By presenting the faces of different women, the overall effect is similar to that achieved by mosaic artists. Therefore, the unconditioned stimulus (US) is as connected to beauty and aesthetics as it is to skincare.

The product is paired skillfully with the mood or feeling of the overall advertisement. A mosaic is an ancient art form, and the “story” that L’Oreal wants customers to tell is the story of generations of women. Also, race, ethnicity, and gender issues play into the “story” being told. Women from around the world have struggled for respect and recognition, and the faces of women of color are used to inspire and empower. By linking the “True Match” concept with empowerment and community, the advertisers anchor the brand as one that supports diversity and honors the uniqueness of the individual. When I personally see the product in a store, I believe the advertiser would have wanted me to feel proud, empowered, and connected with other women of color. My response is a conditioned response (CR). Therefore, I have been influenced by classical conditioning in my purchases because I invest in the narrative being told and have been swayed by the emotions.


Peoples, L. (2017). Hari Nef is part of L’Oreal’s diverse new ad campaign. Retrieved online:

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