American Culinary Sub-Region Of The Term Paper

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Sandwiches might be made with Souse (head cheese), which is made of pig's feet and hocks, spices, and vinegar. It is sliced and served chilled. Side dishes include many types of fresh vegetables, potatoes, noodles, and relishes or pickles. Baking is also quite important in the Dutch households. Dutch women bake their own breads, make their own stuffings, which are quite popular, along with Cornbread, Biscuits, Muffins, Sticky Buns, Pretzels, and even Crackers. Soups are also served quite often. One of the most traditional soups is Chicken Corn Soup, made with chicken, fresh corn, celery, and homemade egg noodles. Desserts are extremely popular, and many of the most famous Pennsylvania Dutch recipes are for desserts. Pies are extremely popular, and Shoofly Pie is a...


Shoofly Pie is made with a crumb topping and a liquid bottom that is mainly molasses and water. Another favorite is Vanilla Pie, made with molasses, vanilla, and a crumb topping.
Pennsylvania Dutch cooking has its roots in many parts of the people's lives, customs, and history. As they say in the Dutch country, their food is "good and plenty." They make good food and plenty of it.


Editors. "Lancaster County." Pennsylvania Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau. 2003. 1 Feb. 2005.

Groff, Betty. Betty Groff's Pennsylvania Dutch Cookbook. New York: Galahad Books, 1990.

Klees, Fredric. The Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Macmillan, 1950.

Sources Used in Documents:


Editors. "Lancaster County." Pennsylvania Dutch Convention & Visitors Bureau. 2003. 1 Feb. 2005.

Groff, Betty. Betty Groff's Pennsylvania Dutch Cookbook. New York: Galahad Books, 1990.

Klees, Fredric. The Pennsylvania Dutch. New York: Macmillan, 1950.

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