Arab Spring And Terrorism Term Paper


¶ … Arab Spring: the political movement The overall incidents that have recently surfaced in the form of political revolts and instability within the Arab world have been termed as the 'Arab Spring'. This particular chain of events was lead primarily by the Jasmine revolution which began back in December 2010. The jasmine revolution basically meant to overrun the authoritative Tunisian administration which it was successful in doing and thus the revolution was then able to spread to the neighboring nations like Egypt, Syria and Libya. The Arab Spring has shown that there is an excessive and extensive need and demand for the rule of democracy as well as exercise of civil rights from within all the countries that have been included within the Arab Spring phenomenon and thus we see revolutions surfacing in all major regions like Tunisia, Libya, Egypt. This increased need and awareness has been the reason behind the numerous alterations in political approaches and mindsets within the Arab world (Brownlee et al., 2013).

Impact on Egypt

One of the recent revolutions included in the Arab Spring was the Egyptian revolution. This revolution began with the gathering of innumerable locals on Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 25th 2011. The locals had mainly gathered in protest of the reign and administration of President Hosni Mubarak. There were a number of aspects that were causing serious concerns and anger amongst the Egyptians and over time, this frustration led to aggression. Some of the issues that can be highlighted here include aspects of corruption in the government ranks, increasing inflation, poverty as well as communal isolation. One of the main...


The revolution for violent with time but all revolutionaries and locals then focused all their energies on making sure that the government of President Hosni was overturned (Aa, 2011).
In this instance, the Egyptian protestors managed to find success and overthrow the government. It was the increasing and overwhelming pressure of the revolutionaries that forced President Hosni Mubarak to step down from his presidency. His resignation ended the reign of 3 decades and the governance was then handed over to the military forces who were assigned the job to design the structure of the brand new government and constitution (Aa, 2011).

The military forces started by dissolving the parliament that was in place at the time and completely disregarding the constitution that had been followed during the former president's rule. The aim of the armed forces was to give back the power to a structure government, one that would be elected through the parliamentarian setup later in the year. This declaration was coupled with the announcement that the election would be based on a referendum which was published in March. Through this referendum, the locals would be allowed to vote for the government as well as the changes that they want to see in the constitution. However, the overall process of the democratization of Egypt has been slow and all the blame is being placed on the military that has also been suspected of being loyal in application to the prior administration of President Mubarak. This realization of loyalty on the military's part to President Mubarak…

Sources Used in Documents:


Aa. V. (2011), The New Arab Revolt: What Happened, What It Means, and What Comes Next, Council on Foreign Relations, Foreign Affairs, Maggio-Giugno.

Brownlee, J.,Masoud, T. And Reynolds, A. (2013). The Arab Spring: the politics of transformation in North Africa and the Middle East. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lutterbeck, D. (2013). Arab Uprisings, Armed Forces, and Civil-Military Relations. Armed Forces & Society, Vol. 39, No. 1 (pp. 28 -- 52)

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