Art Qs The United States Essay

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The dynamism of the machine age is exhibited not only in the engineered workings of inventions like automobiles and early airplanes, but also in the Futuristic paintings of the period. There is a blend of very strong geometry and straight lines that combine to create larger images of fluidity and movement that almost seems impossible when the smaller constituent elements of the painting are focused on. It is as though magic and passion are meeting science and cool logic, which is a way of describing things like the combustion engine as well. This period was a time...


Determining the worth or aesthetic promise of a piece of art based on personal ethical values or cultural beliefs leads to the raising up of only a specific type of art, and essentially equates to perpetuating what is known as the confirmation bias: good art becomes defined by what is already liked and approved of, making it harder for new ideas and modes of expression to emerge and gain notice.

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In contrast, within the firm, the entrepreneur directs production and coordinates without intervention of a price mechanism; but, if production is regulated by price movements, production could be carried on without any organization at all, well might we ask, why is there any organization?" (Coase, 1937, p. 387) In simpler words if markets are so efficient why do firms exist? Coase explains, "the operation of a market costs something