Asthma Bib Entry Chulada, Patricia C., Kennedy, Essay

Asthma Bib Entry Chulada, Patricia C., Kennedy, Suzanne, Mvula, Mosanda M., Jaffee, Katy, Wildfire, Jeremy, Thornton, Eleanor, Cohn, Richard D., Grimsley, Faye, Mitchell, Herman, El-Dahr, Jane, Sterling, Yvonne, Martin, William J., White, LuAnn, Stephens, Kevin U., & Lichtveld, Maureen. (2012). The head-off environmental asthma in Louisiana (HEAL) study methods and study population. Environmental Health Perspectives, 120(11), 1592-1600.

The article examined here explores a recent study conducted in Louisiana in the city of New Orleans regarding Hurricane Katrina's possible exacerbation of children's asthma in the area. The researchers first explore how Hurricane Katrina impacted the region and the city's relationship to increasing asthma levels seen in children. There is a thorough examination of how environmental destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina could be a link. The researchers believe that the floodwaters caused serious mold problems that could have impacted asthma levels, as well as allergen levels in the region. Other factors that are not purely environmental also include with the research calls "a result of disrupted health care"...


High stress levels and gaps within the healthcare system caused by the disaster could also be impacting asthma levels as well. The HEAL study was conducted in order to test researchers assumptions about Katrina's impact. Children between the ages of four and 12 with moderate to severe asthma served as the study population. Overall, there was a total the hundred and five children elicited to the research. The study gave clinical evaluation within a period of a single year, along with home environmental evaluations. Symptoms, medication use, and any clinical visits related to the child's asthma were recorded. In the clinical evaluations, children were examined by physicians working specifically in pediatrics and in "allergy and immunology for atropy" in order to "confirm moderate-to-severe asthma" (Chulada, 2012). Homes were evaluated by air sampling, visual inspections, and face-to-face surveys. Overall, the research did show a strong correlation with the impact of Hurricane Katrina and childhood asthma in the region. Children showed significantly higher baseline symptoms in children and other areas, showing a connection between environmental…

Sources Used in Documents:


Backus, W.D., & Chapian, M. (2000). Telling yourself the truth (20th ed.). Minneapolis, MN: Bethany House Publishers.

Adams, J.E. (1986). How to help people change. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House.

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"Asthma Bib Entry Chulada Patricia C Kennedy " (2014, February 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Asthma Bib Entry Chulada Patricia C Kennedy " 15 February 2014. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Asthma Bib Entry Chulada Patricia C Kennedy ", 15 February 2014, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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