Atomic Bomb In U.S. History. Term Paper

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Sexuality goes hand in hand with power, and so, mores were beginning to change in America, the most powerful country on earth. In conclusion, the atomic bomb changed culture throughout America and the world. Americans became more fearful in many ways. This caused accusations, distrust, and a feeling of fear throughout the country that spread to the government and society. It helped create the global Cold War, and led to the war with North Korea and the Vietnam War. It gave America a technical advantage for a while, and helped the growth of technology. Ultimately, it ended the war, but created decades of mistrust and political maneuvering between the U.S. And other countries of the world.


Bert the Turtle Public Service Announcement." Civil Defense Administration. (1950).

Graphic Illustrations of How to Respond to a Nuclear Attack." Major Problems in American History Since 1945. 135-136.

Mass. Gov. John Volpe Constructing Brick Bomb Shelter, 1961." Boston Herald.

McCarthy, Senator Joseph. "Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia. (Feb 09, 1950)." 210-214.

Photograph of Miss Atomic Bomb,...


The Loyalty-Security Program in Operation, 1955 - Case 1 and 2." A Political Test for Employment. 157-163.

U.S. News and World Report Assesses the Perils of Mass Culture and the Evils of Television, 1955." Major Problems in American History Since 1945. 127-131.

Poor Man's Bomb Shelter, 1959." Boston Herald.

Mass. Gov. John Volpe Constructing Brick Bomb Shelter, 1961." Boston Herald.

Bert the Turtle Public Service Announcement." Civil Defense Administration. (1950).

Graphic Illustrations of How to Respond to a Nuclear Attack." Major Problems in American History Since 1945. 135-136.

Red Channels." The Hollywood Blacklist Begins. 217.

Senator Joseph McCarthy. "Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia. (Feb 09, 1950)." 212.

The Loyalty-Security Program in Operation, 1955 - Case 1 and 2." A Political Test for Employment. 157-163.

Photograph of Miss Atomic Bomb, 1957 at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas."

Sources Used in Documents:


Bert the Turtle Public Service Announcement." Civil Defense Administration. (1950).

Graphic Illustrations of How to Respond to a Nuclear Attack." Major Problems in American History Since 1945. 135-136.

Mass. Gov. John Volpe Constructing Brick Bomb Shelter, 1961." Boston Herald.

McCarthy, Senator Joseph. "Speech at Wheeling, West Virginia. (Feb 09, 1950)." 210-214.

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"Atomic Bomb In U S History ", 16 October 2006, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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