Business Plan Of A Meta Search Business Plan


Business Plan of a Meta search engine Market Opportunity & Solutions

Business Model and Strategy

Search engine according to countries and languages

Advertisement Revolution

Social Networking and Blogging Sites

Revenue Opportunities

Sales and marketing plan

Technology overview

Technology implementation

Intellectual property



Current ratio


Debt to equity ratio (D/E)


Organization and Ownership

Organizational Structure

Risks and mitigation, Inc. is Meta search engine which intends to provide a multi-category search engine to its users at a faster pace. The growing technology has evolved our lives. Users search from irreducibly complex systems to finding a local food chain. The business revolves around providing an appropriate tool to the users in order to provide an access to the needed information. The web site also offers different blogs in more than ten languages to post local jobs and advertisement for different countries. Several countries are listed separately in order to make the search more focused and easier.

Introduction Inc. is a publically traded link which provides multi-search services to its customers completely free of cost. It also provides advertising services at a relatively low cost to advertisers. The company aims to become the widest Meta search engine across the globe. The company is a provider of search technology through its website The purpose of meta-search engines is to send users request to other search engines and gathers the appropriate results in the form of single list and provide the most compatible results to the user. Inc. aims to provide the access to several other search engines simultaneously at a faster speed and to give maximum possible desired results. As web is a large tool to attain a desired result, thus,, Inc. helps in providing comprehensive search results combined from several search engines. This will save the user from using multiple search engines distinctly.

Market Opportunity & Solutions

The competition is quiet tough as possibility of new market entrants is quiet easy because of low start-up capital and simple business model. Several competitors in the business increase the bargaining power of the advertisers, increase pressure and competition. Although the competition is tough but still the company has the potential to grow and create a name in the market. The company can position itself as innovative market leader that supplies the user with high quality Meta search engine with unique and distinct features as compared to its competitors like different blogs in more than ten languages to post local jobs and advertisement for different countries and several countries listed separately in order to make the search more focused and easier. Thus the company can excel in the market.

There can be numerous problems associated with search engines. Firstly, only a few billion websites can be accessed by a single search engine despite of the fact that 500 billion pages are available on the web. Thus single search engine can access only few at a time. Secondly, an index database needs to be created to obtain the key information of the captured Web pages. This database is vast and takes extensive amount of time to refresh its subjects. Lastly, in order to recover information from the huge database when there are a great number of inquiries, massive hardware means are desired. Thus the solution to all these problems is a Meta search engines as its coverage is much greater than an individual search engine. When any query is received by a Meta search engine, it determines the best possible search results, then ranks the obtained results in descending order of interest and then presented to the user. As search is based upon several search engines, thus the required databases are smaller and take less time to refresh and provide more up-to-date results.

Business Model and Strategy Inc. is a Meta search engine that intends to provide the desired results from most famous search engines. would bring out the top results from each leading search engine say Google, MSN, and Yahoo and ASK and displays the user with an option to select the results from each definite search engine. The company goals to become the broadest Meta search engine across the globe. The company is a benefactor of search technology through its website The purpose of meta-search engines is to send users request to other search engines and gathers the appropriate results in the form of single list and provide the most compatible results to the user.

Search engine according to countries and languages

Several countries are listed separately in order to make the search more focused and easier. The web site also offers different blogs in more than...


This unique feature helps the company to make its name in the local market as well as international market. The local blogs can play a tremendous role in attracting the users as it gives them several opportunities to avail.
Advertisement Revolution

The company also offers features like advertisement at a relatively low cost. This feature has brought advertisement market from television and radio to online and this could lead to revolution in advertisement as it is an efficient and cost effective source. The company gives the brands a more direct and interactive relationship with its customer at a relatively low cost and at a broader channel.

Social Networking and Blogging Sites Inc. would develop blogging websites in different languages within the option to access different countries distinctively. Each website within the network will endorse the growth in a particular country, for e.g., the news and happenings within India. This would in turn help the users to strengthen their community network by giving them a room to interact. The website would be advanced through blogs and other information which would be submitted by registered users. Additional, the website would make communication with readers and the target audiences by giving them the option to comment on the newsfeed etc. It would become a significant portal for business and community news, commentary, events, etc. This would act as a resourceful network that would propose advertisers to reach the target audience globally.

Revenue Opportunities

Several revenue opportunities are listed below:

Advertising -- Business communities can advertise their products and services which would give them an opportunity to interact with their target audience conveniently. Further, the website would be a significant source of indigenous, fresh content through its blogs that is difficult to catch otherwise.

Event Promotion -- Blogging sites can aid to endorse events. This will be a source of revenue for the company.

Email Marketing - As the company requires all of the members to register thus this will generate revenues. Further, valuable database for marketing products and services for the clients, both locally, nationally and globally can be a resourceful means of generating revenues.

Sales and marketing plan's marketing strategy will highlight the strengths of the Company and its Values. The company will advertise itself as a leading Meta search engine with its unique features like high speed and quick access to desired information, social networking and blogging sites to build a strong relation within a particular community, its features as advertisement revolution, and search engines distinctively dealing with different languages and countries to provide appropriate results. The target market is chiefly internet users across the globe thus the internet media would be the most operative resource of marketing. Leaflets, brochures, letterhead, and business correspondence will further support the marketing. The best marketing technique is to attract the users unaware of the advantages of Meta search engines. These customers are unaware of the benefits associated with Meta search engines and the loyalty towards giant search engines like Yahoo and Google. The marketing techniques will revolve around showing the significance of using a meta-search engine against a regular search engine. The Company needs to run online advertisements and post articles in various online media to explain the need and significance of the Meta search engine. Instead of advertising the products it would be more suitable to convey the message of benefits of using a meta-search, which would encourage the non-users of the meta-search engines to actually visit the website for the first time and become its loyal customer.

Technology overview

As the entire company revolves around evolving technology, thus updating according to modern world technology is immensely important in this business. Chief Technology Officer will be hired as well and would be accountable for the IT support function and all technology related issues faced by the Company. Keeping the Meta-search updated, providing the access to user to the required information at a faster pace, advertising according to customers' needs and demands, updating blogs regularly are all the factors that revolve around technology. As the company promises to provide an appropriate tool to the users in order to provide an access to the needed information, thus technology needs to be updated according to the changing trends. Experienced Chief Technology Officer and trained staff is necessary to accomplish the goals and targets of the company.

Technology implementation

Chief Technology Officer will be hired as well and would be accountable for the IT support function and all technology related issues faced by the Company.

Intellectual property

Intellectual property (IP) is a legal theory which refers to recognizing…

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"Business Plan Of Searchyyy Com A Meta Search", 09 January 2013, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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