Challenges In East Asia 1800-1912 Case Study

¶ … East Asia, 1800-1912 The dominance of European powers in East Asia and its center of accumulation in the last decades of the 20th century have posed enormous challenges in the understanding of industrialized nations. Modernization and national development theories have received notable criticisms from well-developed experiences such as plan vs. market, and this looks like regional and not national. The phenomenon has been characterized by a regional scope that has challenged theories of global systems, which depend heavily on the global economic tripartite division into semi-periphery, periphery, and core. Regional integration theories formulated from experiences in contemporary Europe have been challenged relating to the success of non-governmental infrastructure connecting East Asia sub-regions. This took place even with the lack of intergovernmental organizations characterizing the North American and the European Union Free Trade Treaties.

At the primary cause of all these challenges lies the significant and peculiar trajectory of East Asia for both the future and past world history. East Asia has been regarded as one of the stable and great nations of the past. This was until the 19th century when it suffered a major deep felt eclipse. Through the projection of world achievement, patterns and trends of families shifting abroad, studies indicate that observers reported that East Asia has promised to develop into a great future hub of attraction. This implies that the relationship between European powers and East Asia can be defined by three different temporalities. First, the recent trends are applicable in all territories in the region. These patterns of periods of centuries have separated the European powers from the defeat of China in the Opium Wars. The East Asia divisions and the establishment of the Chinese regime have divided the world into two antagonistic units dominated by the Soviet Union and European powers. In a...


This was the trend of expansion was witnessed across industrializing economies and at the end, across the entire region.
However, researchers have discovered that the understanding of economic developments of European powers and its colonies requires that we invest adequate attention to the integrity of the region and the regional fundamental unity efforts in the current century. After the Second World War, East Asia substantial parts' reorganization under European powers had been premised upon the great political and social upheavals that threatened the region while responding to the challenges posed by Chinese powers in the 19th century. This includes the abortive attempts of Japan in replacing China as the dominating force in the region before the 20th century. This defines the great social and national revolutions that emerged out of the old order disintegration. The second factor characterizes the East Asia region and the century-long separation of European powers from the deeply felt eclipse arising from China's defeat in the Opium Wars.

The advance of European powers in the region camouflaging to be semi-colonial and colonial regimes marked the decisive events shaping the region in the wake of the 19th century. This gave rise to industrialization in Japan and subjugated significant sections of East Asia. Through the 20th century first half period, the recurrent wars between China and Japan sought to see Japan replace China as the leader of the region and to re-structure the new Japan-centric foundation. On the other hand, trends and events shaping East Asia in this period have been blindly understood in the full context of temporality. Neither the region's present achievements nor their previous response efforts towards to the challenges occasioned…

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As official sanctions were brought up, European powers spread rapidly across the region resulting in massive deaths of Chinese populations and hundreds of European foreigners. In the 1900 spring, the imperial army helped the European powers to penetrate Beijing laying a siege to the legation district. This led to the murder of the Chinese chief legato prompting quick international condemnation. This made China declare war on all foreign powers. The royal family flees following the efforts of the European forces in relieving the legation siege. Following this development, the Chinese dynasty entered unequal treaties with European forces and troops regarding major routes between the sea, Beijing and in the capital city.

Looking at the phenomenon in reverse, the history of the Chinese encounter with the European powers in the 19th century looks like a tale of inexorable and woe decline. With this hindsight benefit, the first encounter between Chinese Dynasty and European powers looks like a self-deception study. This opened formal diplomatic relations between Europe and China, which opened free trade between the two nations. Frustrations were experienced by London, which limited all maritime trading activities between China and Europe. Consequently, this denied European powers from accessing much of the prosperous and huge Chinese markets. Because of the gross trade inequality between Europe and China, acute commercial pressure existed. This took place even with the lack of intergovernmental organizations characterizing the North American and the European Union Free Trade Treaties.

This development was the longest in the entire debacle of China's defeats. A battle between European forces and China in 1895s traditional sphere of influencing Japan was more than humiliating to the Chinese troops. However, European forces had suppressed the Chinese troops as European forces engaged thousands of troops to protect their own interests, as well as wring concessions from China. At the beginning, European forces pursued diplomatic solutions to the set of crisis. This was through assuring the Chinese mediation, however, this only paved way for China to have more time for mobilizing and waging western styles of fighting an albeit more westernized foe. As hostilities took shape, the European troops' success was total, incorporating lopsided victories on both sea and land.

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