Communication Verbal Communication Includes The Words That Essay

Communication Verbal communication includes the words that are physically spoken, as well as factors, according to the video, such as tone of voice, rhythm of speaking, word choice, and emphasis. Experts and researchers in the field of communication assert that nonverbal communication composes more than half of the communication among people. Nonverbal communication has a variety of factors such as eye contact, gestures, body language, the setting, and even the dress of the person speaking. The paper explores principles of effective verbal and nonverbal communication and considers how they relate to or affect professionals in health care.

Communication of all kinds is particularly critical in the field of health. A key principle to effective communication is that all forms of communication are contextual, that is, they derive their meaning(s) from the context within which the communication was done. Context, which is directly related to the video's concept of paralanguage, is yet another dense and layered aspect of communication.

Context and paralanguage may include the environment of the communication. They absolutely have to do with how the verbal communication is delivered and the environment or setting in communication is key, as Marshall McLuhan wrote, "the medium is the message." How the communication is delivered is a part of the message itself. Proposing marriage behind a junk yard and proposing marriage on an...


Context may additionally include the time of day, the country, the culture, the gender of the communicator and the receiver as well as the sex, and many other factors as the video suggests. Communication that may be successful and effective in one context may be horribly ineffective and disastrous in another, even when the communication is delivered in relatively the same way. People who have professions that require them to speak in front of groups or crowds can attest to the power of context with respect to communication.
Empathy and active listening seem to be some of the most significant aspects to effective communication. Empathy and active listening are things that can be expressed verbally and non-verbally. Ears are the primary instruments by which humans listen, but it is hard to prove a person is listening just by the ears, after all, ears do not move that much, as opposed to the mouth during speech. People communicate their empathy with body language. This could be maintaining eye contact. It could be the precise facial expression of the listener while another person speaks. Non-verbally, people in many cultures demonstrate that they are listening closely by aiming their bodies in the direction of the speaker whether sitting, standing, or otherwise. People often show listening and focus by not performing other tasks while a person is speaking, or if they…

Sources Used in Documents:


Crean, K.W. (2010). Accelerating innovation in information and communication technology for health. Health Affairs, 29(2), 278-283.

Rao, J.K., Anderson, L.A., Sukumar, B., Beauchesne, D.A., Stein, T., & Frankel, R.M. (2010). Engaging communication experts in a Delphi process to identify patient behaviors that could enhance communication in medical encounters. BMC Health Services Research, 10, 97.

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