Computers Have Changed Lives Opening Term Paper


privacy. There's also the issue of speed and response that each of these devices imply and the expectations of those that are members of social networks, keeping mind these social networks could be the departments they work in for their jobs. Even the iPod has this speed of response inherent within it from having the continual stream of new songs copied onto it for use during commuting, working out and working. The advent of social networking sites that are accentuating the speed of response include Twittr and others, which support messaging to PCs, hybrid MP3 players and smart phones. Inherent in the social network that is fostering the growth of these technologies that provide options for collaborating and connecting more than ever before is the implied expectation that once someone is contacted they will respond immediately. The urgency of the immediate often overtakes the importance of the longer-term more introspective responses. These collections of technologies need to be managed so that expectations of immediate response from anyone, anywhere is selective and worth the time to complete. Again the role of social networking and the establishment of trust online with friends is the critical differentiator. In the last analysis, the iPod, even though a personal entertainment device is also all about sharing music and entertainment. The PC, wireless capabilities, anti-virus programs and smart phones all exist and are in sue because the meet a more fundamental need of people to collaborate and communicate with one another in entirely different ways, albeit more urgent ones, than ever before.

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These technologies are going to continue to revolutionize how people work and share information with each other. Patterns of communication globally are emerging that set the foundation for higher levels of trust between individuals and groups that has not been possible before, and trust developers despite these people never actually meeting each other in person. This is one of the key dynamics of social networking...


The danger of this is the "urgency addiction" that consumes many people who rely on these devices to stay connected to their networks. There is also the use of smart phones and BlackBerry devices to continually stay connected to work groups despite being at family events, on vacation or while commuting. The implication of these technologies that those who have them are "always on" with responses to e-mails at 2am or later increasingly commonplace. In the search for trust online and collaborative working and social networking relationships people need to also keep a balance with the physical world too. The cruel irony of the executive tapping away on his Blackberry at the back of his daughters' recital, based on lessons he could only afford from having such a demanding job, yet not having any down time in the here and now to enjoy it underscores the point. Ultimately the underlying needs that serve as the catalyst for these technologies needs to be kept in perspective and not forgotten in the rush to be responsive electronically.

Gul Agha. "COMPUTING in PERVASIVE CYBERSPACE. " Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM 51.1 (2008): 68-70. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest.. 28 Apr. 2008 /

Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. "Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. " MIT Sloan Management Review 49.3 (2008): 36-42. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr.2008

Robin Snow. "Rethinking the Web. " Marketing Health Services 26.2 (2006): 35-37. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr. 2008

Cynthia G. Wagner. "Disconnectivity Demonstrated. " the Futurist 42.2 (2008): 68. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008

Sources Used in Documents:


Gul Agha. "COMPUTING in PERVASIVE CYBERSPACE. " Association for Computing Machinery. Communications of the ACM 51.1 (2008): 68-70. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest.. 28 Apr. 2008 /

Josh Bernoff, Charlene Li. "Harnessing the Power of the Oh-So-Social Web. " MIT Sloan Management Review 49.3 (2008): 36-42. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr.2008

Robin Snow. "Rethinking the Web. " Marketing Health Services 26.2 (2006): 35-37. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 28 Apr. 2008

Cynthia G. Wagner. "Disconnectivity Demonstrated. " the Futurist 42.2 (2008): 68. ABI/INFORM Global. ProQuest. 29 Apr. 2008

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