Concentration Camps And Culture Essay

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Ghettos The overall function, cause and purpose of ghettos varies a lot throughout history. However, the ghettos in Poland and other parts of what eventually became Nazi-controlled had a defined and definite purpose. Indeed, they were a way to separate and control the Jews that the Nazis wanted to confine and kill. Even with all of that, there were variations and performance reasons that led to the Nazis massaging and changing their tactics. A few things that will be answered in this brief report was how things were for the different groups living in the ghettos, how the ghettos operated overall and so forth. Even things like whether the Nazi control over the areas was accepted or resisted shall be covered. While the results of the Nazis and their efforts are widely known, they didn't get as far as they wanted (or as fast) with the ghettos.


As indicated in the introduction, the ghettos were a way for the Nazis to control and even kill the Jews. The overall purpose of the Nazis was to kill as many Jews as possible but they realized just shooting them was not going to work as well as they wanted, for a number of reasons. They started off trying to kill them in huge number by putting them in ghettos but this did not work like the Nazis wanted and the Jews were eventually shifted to the concentration camps that everyone knows about. In any event, the ghettos of the United States are definitely real and something of review but the Nazi ghettos for the Jews were different in that the poverty...


It also made them much easier to arrest and corral in the form of mass arrest of the gypsies and others as described by Guenter Lewy when it came to the shifting of those people from the ghettos to the concentration camps (Levy, 2016).
As noted above, there were dueling influences, standards and goals when it came to ghettos. While the Jews were not the only people there, the purpose of having them were to waste away and die. Even with that, though, the Jews did their best to resist that outcome by banding together and against their oppressors, even if the performance of that was mixed at best. In many ways, the people in the ghettos became hopeless and eventually accepted that the Nazis were going to accomplish what they wanted, no matter how insidious it might be. The resistance of the ghettos was somewhat effective in that the Nazis eventually threw up their hands and moved towards more effective killing habits, as mentioned before. Just as just shooting them was eventually disregarded as a tactic, so too was the slow hell of letting them waste away in ghettos. Even with that, the life that was experienced by people in ghettos was surely nasty and vile. However, it was deemed not to be cruel or efficient enough in terms of killing for the Nazis and they eventually shifted to different tactics. Indeed, once of the facets of anti-Semitic actions of the Nazis, as defined and explained in their legislation in the late 1930's, had three to four dozen points and was quite extensive (USHMM, 2019).

As partiall noted above, the…

Sources Used in Documents:


Roskies, D. (2016). Jewish Cultural Life in the Vilna Ghetto. Columbia. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from

USHMM,. (2009). SELECTED DOCUMENTS SHOWING KEY LEGAL MECHANISMS USED TO IMPLEMENT THE NAZI AGENDA. United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Retrieved 27 October 2016, from

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