Created With An Aim To Research Paper

His aim was not to have a casual sex with the victim but to kill her and satisfy his physical needs, which he discovered during his previous thrilling encounter. He also showed abnormal behaviors after sexual assault when he chewed and swallowed away one of the victim's nipples. The dead body of Larissa was found the next day with no clue of the murderer. His second victim was a thirteen-year-old girl named Liyuba Biryuk, which was followed on from a bus stop. The killing took place in June 1982 by introducing several stabs to the body including the eyes. The body was found two weeks later with no sign or clue. Two more youths were victimized in July, two in September and one in December (Jenkins, pg., 34). Out of these latest victims, two of them were found to be young boys. During December, he admitted killing a ten-year-old girl. Laura sarkisyan, an Armenian fifteen-year-old girl was his next victim shortly after the murder of the ten-year-old girl. The place of her buried was found only after years when he confessed murdering her. Lyuda Kutsyuba was another victim, which was an adult of twenty-four years of age, following murders of another woman who was not recognized but aged from 18 to 25 years. Another victim was found to be a boy named Igor Gudkov who was savagely mutilated. Soon after December 1984, Chikatilo stopped killing for a year to protect him from being caught but in august 1985, he victimized an eighteen-year-old mentally challenged girl by killing her with thirty stabbed wounds in the body after sexual assault. The same year he killed another woman who agreed to fornicate as a sexual favor in return for a place to spend night. In 1987, he continued his criminal activity by killing a thirteen-year-old boy in the town of Revda. In the same year July, he victimized another boy in Zaporozhye who was brutally killed and the knife used to stab him was broken into two pieces as subjecting to brutal assault.

The same year another boy was victimized in September. The varying gaps between his killings were only because he wanted to escape from the law since he was taken into considerations of criminal investigations as a suspect judged by his strange behaviors. The killings resumed in April 1988 with victimizing a thirty-year-old woman near the town of Krasni-Sulin. She was stabbed once again brutally causing Chikatilo to use his entire force in killing her. During the assault, Chikatilo did not realize imprinting his shoe on the soil near the dead body, which was identified by the criminal investigation body a size of 9 to 10, which lead to a clue in identifying one of the physical attributes of the murderer. The next year he victimized eight more women, young girls and boys. One of the killings took place at his daughter's apartment and this time it was a sixteen years old girl. After the assault and murder, he disposed away the body by cutting off the victim's limbs and defragmenting his body parts, which could be easily dumped. Nineteen-year-old Yelena valga was also victimized the same year while Chikatilo was on his way to his father's birthday party shortly following the murder of a ten-year-old boy in Rostov. The discovered bodies had many similar characteristics while no certain patterns. Chikatilo had removed the internal sexual organs of females and moved them to be buried in a different place. As with the boys, their copulatory organs were essentially removed after the assault. After a gap of one year and a half, the killings continued in the year 1990, which recorded nine similar sexual assaults followed by murder until November. In November, he sexually assaulted and killed his oldest male victim named Vadim Tishchenko on Rostov's railway station. Next year a girl was victimized named Svetlana Korostik who was brutally mutilated followed by getting her tongue cut and nipples chewed.

The arrest and extermination of Chikatilo took place soon after he victimized the boy named Vadim Tishchenko. His body was discovered near Rostov's Leshkoz railway station. A proper surveillance was then set up in areas where the killer had previously assaulted the victims. As a strategy, police officers sent women and girl swearing attractive clothing to attractive the suspected killer but all went in vain as Chikatilo planned his killings smartly. An attendant at Shakhty station recognized the assaulted boy with a tall man who bought tickets...


The female attendant reported that the man was trying to convince the boy for something and repeatedly asked him to get off the train but the boy refused and tried to run away. The attendant's daughter later revealed during investigation that the man with the boy was a regular and had been seeing with younger people all the time. Soon after killing Vadim, murder of Svetlana Korostik helped him in being captured. As a strategy, the police team had dressed up as local citizens to avoid alarming the killer therefore while returning back from the place of action, Chikatilo was observed taking brisk walk and wiping off sweat from his face. Upon reaching closer, he was seen to have blood spots on his face and a bitten finger, which specially grabbed the attention of the officers. The injured finger was a result of Vadim trying to fight back and chewing off his hand in an attempt to escape. The same year in November, he was spotted on his way trying to talk to young males and children. Immediately three men in leather jackets for investigation purposes took him away and held him for interrogations for a week. After this week, he wrote several letters to Prosecutor General of Russia, which clearly described his mental state depicting psychological disorders.
Chikatilo perhaps used his psyche to manipulate the situation taking best advantages of it by showing content in the letters to be misleading. Those letters also depicted a barrier to his mental state as the detectives and investigators could not comprehend clear-cut results as to his confessions made regarding the killings. A meeting was organizes between the killer and his wife which contributed to Chikatilo pursuing to speak of his acts. Gradually Chikatilo spoke of his actions and confessed every murder one by one. He accurately located the sites of his crimes and helped in locating the places where he dumped the body. He spoke of the technique she used while killing his victims and how to fool them into believing him. His trial started in 1992 with a series of court attendances eventually ending in 1994 after having him assigned death sentence. Chikatilo was allowed to address the court where he demonstrated failed and feeble attempts of showing himself as a mental retard although he was diagnosed with many mental sicknesses but his mental state was good enough for him to not to conduct the criminal acts. One contribution to his mental feebleness was the fact that he had penile dysfunction, which made him into believing that he is impotent. Despite conceiving two children, the man could not get over the false perception of being impotent. On February 14, 1994, he was killed by a single shot to the head from the back of the neck.

He was arrested in the year 1984 with the same charges upon him though he was released of having no substantial prove to the acts. Later when he was finally arrested he continually opposed the act by stating it a wrongful one and that he was mistaken by somebody else as he is mentally challenged and cannot be alleged of committing those crimes (Salecl, pg., 83).

He spent two years being locked up after being arrested from his last killing. He spent two years in jail during which the courts continued his trials. Despite his reckless behavior trying his hardest to show off himself as a mentally weak person, the court continued to call in trials after gathering substantial proofs of his killings. When the interrogation was completed, Chikatilo was sent off to Serbsky Institute of Moscow where his psychiatric evaluation was conducted to ensure his mental state. He was analyzed to understand whether his mental condition allows the law to hold him for trial and execution. The evaluation of his crime scene in relation to his psychiatric evaluation was consistent and soon after which the summary of his crime reports was released in the masses, which indirectly confirmed his hand into conducting those crimes.

The main targets of his killings were the children. Other killings demonstrated his satisfaction of desires generated through anger and fear. Chikatilo having a disturbed and difficult childhood had developed into a shy and coward person who had a hard time in his teaching career trying to cope up with the nervousness and shyness among his students. These personality attributes lead him to changing many jobs only after growing and…

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Works Cited

Askenasy, Hans. Cannibalism: from sacrifice to survival. Amherst, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1994.

Fido, Martin and David Southwell. True Crime. London: Carlton, 2010.

Jenkins, Philip. Using Murder. Chicago: Transaction Publishers, 1994.

Philbin, Tom and Michael Philbin. The Killer Book of Serial Killers. Chicago: Sourcebooks, Inc., 2009.

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