The Creative Exercise Of World Building In Minecraft Essay

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Video Game Journals


Pong is actually not a bad game, considering what it is. It requires hand and eye coordination, like any other game, and it is a no-frills, simple, straight-forward game requiring no thought other than anticipating the trajectory of a bounce. Galaga is somewhat similar in that it is the same basic 2D concept, sliding an object left to right (instead of up-down) to destroy enemy combatantsa lot like Tetris in a way. Ms. Pacman adds a dimension of strategy to this concept and uses the space well to give the interactive experience more nuance. Super Mario Bros really builds on it by creating a world that goes beyond the frame: it scrolls on and on as the character moves left to right; and there is a narrative built into the gaming journey. The character can jump and duck and it combines strategy with hand-eye coordination skills. Sonic the Hedgehog really builds on Super Mario by taking it to the next level with better visuals and a faster-paced experience overall. I would say just the ability of games to be immersive and life-like in their rendering is what has changed over the years. But the basic idea is the same: there is a narrative built-in and it requires some exploration of a world that goes beyond the frame upon the screen (Domsch, 2013).


For this exercise, I played Minecraft for 30 minutes. I chose it because it...…and sports spectatorship plays almost no part. I rarely watch sports, and if I do, I only have it on as background noise, really: I might watch it for a few moments before I become somewhat bored by the repetitive nature of the contest. I really find matches only interesting if they are close and the clock is winding down; then it becomes exciting because both teams are playing hard and every move counts, every mistake can be fatal. As for video game spectatorship, this is more of just a guilty pleasure; if the gamers are having fun playing, it can be entertaining because laughter is contagious. But overall, I consider this type of entertainment as trivial and kind of wasteful. Hill (2019)…

Sources Used in Documents:


Blanco-Herrera, J. A., Gentile, D. A., & Rokkum, J. N. (2019). Video games can increase

creativity, but with caveats. Creativity Research Journal, 31(2), 119-131.

Domsch, S. (2013). Storyplaying: Agency and narrative in video games (p. 196). De Gruyter.

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