Criminal Justice Leadership Strategies And Practices Essay

Criminal Justice Leadership Strategies and Practices Leadership Strategies and Practice

Examples and Analysis of Roles

Organizational culture

Behavioral Theory


The criminal justice leadership strategies are also partly similar to business practices followed in commercial organizations. However, the difference in chain of command, organizational culture and theories applicable for criminology are unique. The criminal justice organizations also develop strategies that are relevant for their organizational culture as well as with respect to the community relations. These organizations also establish a unique lesion with civilians as well as with other government and administrative functions of the state. The work below provides examples and information regarding the functioning of criminal justice organizations, their leadership and practices adopted to formulate strategies. The research also analyzes the roles of criminal justice leadership strategies with respect to the organizational culture, behavioral theory, planning, and community relations.

Criminal Justice:

The department of criminal justice is not only limited to prosecution and policing but is also involves various law enforcement agencies. The role of police, community police, intelligence agencies, prosecution, and other community help units is also quite helpful for societies. The role of leadership strategy in governing criminal justice organizations is also vital. The criminal justice organizations are also governed through laws and regulations. However, they have a room for their own strategy in countering the criminal activities taking place within the society. The leadership and role of strategy is as vital in criminal justice organizations as in normal business entities.

Leadership Strategies and Practice:

There are various organizational elements that are required to achieve higher results in the criminal justice practices. The role of leadership can be determined in relation to giving clear directions and identification of the requirements according to situations. According to Cronkhite (2012) the criminal justice organizations are entities with organizational structure, management, leadership, goals, missions, and strategies to achieve their objectives. Furthermore, these organizations also deploy strategic practices envisioned through their leadership.

Examples and Analysis of Roles:

The role of organizational culture, behavioral theory, planning, and community relations is also regarded as a part of the leadership strategy within criminal justice. The section below provides detailed understanding of the theory and particle in order to elaborate these elements. The significant role played by the higher leadership and policy makers in criminal justice creates a strategic view of the issues and practices followed throughout the country. The examples presented are based on academic view of the criminal justice and leadership strategies.

Organizational culture:

The role of organizational culture is also influential in relation to the criminal justice issues. The organizational culture is denoted as a specific set of behavior of people belonging to a group that can distinguish them from others. The organizational culture is also referred to as behavior that is comprised of customers, rituals, and employee, management, and leadership practices followed within an organization. The organizational culture is also referred to as means of individuals interacting with each other. The blue brotherhood is referred to as a policing culture. The organizational culture is widely accepted within the policing department and therefore it has become a culture. The dealings of police officials with confidential information and working over the weekends, and their requirement to enforce law in impartial manner are not only a part of their job requirement but it has also become the organizational culture (Tatalovich, & Daynes, 2011).

Behavioral Theory:

There are different types of social process theories that are applicable for criminal justice system. The understanding of the criminal behavioral with the perspective of a behavioral theory is also required to increase insight of their though process. The criminals can be dealt easily after understanding the underlying motives of criminal activities. The leadership of law enforcement agencies requires the theoretic basis for developing their plans to counter the criminal activities. However, there are different...


The use of social process theory that regards the criminal behavior as a normal phenomenon is also academically proved. The theory further asserts that all the individuals have a capacity to become criminals. The influence that t can lead one individual towards or away from crime is relevant in criminology. The issue that how an individual is regarded by others can also impact the tendency to become criminal (Cole, Smith, & DeJong, 2012).
The learning theories maintain a different perspective in relation to the ability of an individual to become criminal. The theory suggests that the individuals learn to become criminals. They regard it as a behavior that is learned like any other profession. The social learning is also regarded as a reason for individuals to learn from each other. According to learning theories the parents, peers, and environment is regarded as one of the primary reason for an individual to lean criminal behavior. The theory of differential association is of the view that the people that become criminals are more likely to be from the environment where the criminal behavior is acceptable. The influence of environment where these criminals are brought up and encounter in their daily lives is accepts criminal behavior, as compared with the influences where criminal behavior is not acceptable (Cole et al., 2012).


The work (2014) defines planning and direction as first stage in intelligence gathering operations of criminal justice departments. The six stage model defines planning, collection of information, processing, analysis, dissemination, reevaluation as vital to such operations. The role of planning can be easily understood through the model stages. The ILP model is regarded as an alternative approach to community policing and criminal justices system. However, it is an enhancement of the overall system. The model provides a way forward for planning to integrate research based information and communication technology techniques to use criminal intelligence as a support for crime prevention. The efficacy of the model is also depicted in relation to the role it plays for analysis of tactical and strategic planning for multi-jurisdictional approach in criminal justice system.

The development of National Emergency Communication Plan is also regarded as an example of criminal justice system planning. The role of leadership in establishing the plan through sharing of key information and interoperability of IT services enables the advancements. The leadership of various law enforcement agencies prepares plans in response to various situations at national, state, and local levels. Therefore, the planning has a primary significant in criminal justice system. A paradigm shift observed in relation to planning and execution based on counter terrorism policy within United States, after the events of 9/11. The changes are incorporated in the system through effective planning and control in criminal justice system. The strategies and practices followed in traditional criminal justice system are also affected through the policy changes.

Community relations:

There is a fundamental role of community relations in criminal justice system. It is one of the major requirements for police system to work appropriately. The community should be helped and a close relationship is required by the criminal justice departments and leadership, for effective functioning. The departments involved in maintaining the criminal justice system are required to build strong relation within their operative community. According to the research Hess, Orthmann, and Cho (2014) the example for a contact between police and noncriminal community is maintained through handling traffic violations. The traffic handling services provided by the criminal justice department officials including police does not require a thorough investigative exposure. However, it is one of the key contact points with community. The significance of traffic stops can be understood in relation to potential arrests of criminals, wanted individuals, and finding illegal imports. This is also achieved through effective community relations.

The rescue and escort operations of different nature also result into developing key community relations. The police, rescue officials, investigators, and negotiators tend to work in collaboration with the law enforcing agencies to help communities that are affected during any unexpected events of bombings and hostage crimes. In…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cole, G., Smith, C., & DeJong, C. (2012). The American system of criminal justice. USA: Cengage Learning.

Cronkhite, C.L. (2012). Law Enforcement and Justice Administration: Strategies for the 21st Century. USA: Jones & Bartlett Publishers.

Hess, K., Orthmann, C.H., & Cho, H. (2014). Introduction to law enforcement and criminal justice. USA: Cengage Learning.

Tatalovich, R., & Daynes, B.W. (2011). Moral Controversies in American Politics. USA: Me sharpe.

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