Criminal Justice Victims And Crime Evaluation Research Paper

Criminal justice system refers to either the state or federal set of agencies and processes which are created by governments to control crime and to engage in penalties and discipline on those who break the law and who hurt others or damage property. "There is no single criminal justice system in the United States but rather many similar, individual systems. How the criminal justice system works in each area depends on the jurisdiction that is in charge: city, county, state, federal or tribal government or military installation" (NCVC, 2012). Thus, what can make the criminal justice system so tricky and difficult to understand is largely because different jurisdictions have differing laws, agencies and methods of criminal justice management (NCVC, 2012). Thus, the state system is in charge of handling crimes which occur within the state boundaries; the federal system handles crimes which occur in multiple states or on federal property (NCVC, 2012). Within this complex system, different people engage in different roles. The prosecutor, defense attorney, criminal and victim have unique parts to play within this intricate system. Prosecutors

Prosecutors are attorneys who represent the state or federal government, though not the victim via the court process from the first moment the accused individual arrives in court, or until the accused person receives and acquittal or a sentence (NCVC, 2012). These attorneys offer "evidence in court, question witnesses,...


They have great discretion, or freedom, to make choices about how to prosecute the case" (NCVC, 2012). Thus, one could argue that the prosecutor works for the good of the general public and for the good of society, in helping to prevent dangerous criminals from being free on the streets and able to do more harm. The level of victimization that has been suffered should motivate this attorney to play their role as fully and effectively as possible (NCVC, 2012).
Defense Attorney

In America one of the overwhelming beliefs which guides the criminal justice system is that everyone is entitled to a fair trial. Part of engaging in the process of providing a fair trial for all involved parties is the act of allowing the individual who has been accused of a crime access to an attorney. This helps in keeping things fair. The attorney helps in defending the accused person in the charges that have been brought against him. "They are ether hired by the defendant or (for defendants who cannot afford an attorney) they are assigned by the court. While the prosecutor represents the state, the defense attorney represents the defendant" (NCVC, 2012). The defense attorney at times has to determine the level of victimization that the individual is suffering from and seek means of redress.


The victim refers to the individual…

Sources Used in Documents:

References (n.d.). Benefits of Alternative Sanctions. Retrieved from Georgia State:

NCVC. (2013). The Criminal Justice System. Retrieved from The National Center for Victims of Crime: (2013). Psychology plays a role in criminal justice. Retrieved from

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