Culinary/Baking & Pastry Influences Culinary, Admission Essay


I am currently employed as a baker at a resort, and before that, I was employed as a pastry chef, for a period of one year. During both employment experiences, I have come to learn new techniques of both baking and pastry, but I have also realized that pastry was my true calling. I have also come to interact with numerous individuals, and have developed my people skills as well. I have learnt to function as part of a team and to provide my support for the success of the team.

In terms of my education, I possess a certificate from the Culinary Arts College and I have just applied for a 2-year degree program in pastry. I hope to further advance my knowledge in the field...


I hope to inspire them to eat healthier and live better and longer. I hope to motivate people to go back into the kitchen and apply new techniques to create the same healthy and tasty food that our grandparents once made for us in the past. I hope to give them courage to make experiments in the kitchen and evolve, even if they strive to become professionals in the field, or only to enchant their families.

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"Culinary Baking & Pastry Influences Culinary ", 07 July 2012, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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