Cultural Competence In A World Essay

" (Jeffreys, p. 24) Nursing is definitely not the only profession demanding cultural competence; it has also become an important part of skills required of a good business manager. In fact every person who is working in a multicultural environment must know the value of cultural competence because it helps in facilitating communication and improves effectiveness. For example in an educational setting, a teacher who doesn't understand the culture of his students may find it difficult to connect with them and hence his effectiveness might decline. With a cultural competent teacher, students "feel accepted, engaged and safe…they become interested in class community and more responsive to their teacher." (Cattani, p. 136)

It is no surprise then that bilingual people and people who come from multicultural families have an edge over others when it comes to understanding other cultures. But like...


People can learn cultural competence by learning more about other cultures, knowing about the differences and respecting them and exhibiting an eagerness to understand people's beliefs, values and cultural traditions.

M. Diane Klein and Deborah Chen (2000) Working with Children from Culturally Diverse. Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition (November 7, 2000)

Marianne R. Jeffreys. Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care Springer Publishing Company; 1 edition (June 19, 2006)

Dana Haight Cattani. A Classroom of Her Own: How New Teachers Develop Instructional, Professional, and Cultural Competence. Corwin Press; 1 edition (June 15, 2002)

Lynch EW, Hanson MJ (1992)Developing Cross-Cultural Competence -- A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families. Baltimore, MD: Paul…

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M. Diane Klein and Deborah Chen (2000) Working with Children from Culturally Diverse. Delmar Cengage Learning; 1 edition (November 7, 2000)

Marianne R. Jeffreys. Teaching cultural competence in nursing and health care Springer Publishing Company; 1 edition (June 19, 2006)

Dana Haight Cattani. A Classroom of Her Own: How New Teachers Develop Instructional, Professional, and Cultural Competence. Corwin Press; 1 edition (June 15, 2002)

Lynch EW, Hanson MJ (1992)Developing Cross-Cultural Competence -- A Guide for Working with Young Children and Their Families. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company.

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