Self Reflection Essays (Examples)

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Self-Reflection Life Development There Has Been a
Pages: 5 Words: 1729

Life development

There has been a lot of focus put on the concept of life and the growth process, the development of the human mind and even the behaviors displayed as one grows and the changing patterns of the behaviors of the individual. Scholars have come up with varied explanations on what shapes behavior of people with some going for the physical contact and the physical world, while others going for experiences in life, yet others going for the mind in an attempt to explain the behavior of human beings.

There are various theories that can help explain behavior;

The Social / learning theory and aggressive personality which indicates that human beings highly depend on one another and the contiguity plays a big role in the shaping of personality and the behaviors that one gives back to the society (Delatrre, E., 2006).

Psychoanalytic theory and aggressive personality was propagated by Freud Sigmund, Alfred Adler,…...



Berk, L.E. (2007). Theory and Research in Human Development. New York: Pearson.

Erikson, E.H. (1968). Identity: Youth and Crisis. New York: Norton.

Delattre, E. (2006). Character and cops: Ethics in policing (5th ed., pp. 10, 79, 85, 88).

Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research. Retrieved February 25,2014 from

Self-Reflection to Improve Teaching
Pages: 3 Words: 991

Self-Reflection to Improve Teaching
The work of Stephen rookfield states that critical reflection is the method to revealing the worth of teaching and critically reflective teachers "are excellent teachers who continually hone their personalized 'authentic voice' a 'pedagogic rectitude' that reveals the 'value and dignity' of the teacher's work 'because now we know what it's worth." (p.46-7) The critically reflective teacher has a goal to achieve a goal of an in-depth awareness of their teaching from as many perspectives as they can. rookfield states there are four lenses the teacher can engage in the critical reflection process including: (1) the autobiographical; (2) the student's eyes; (3) our colleague's experiences; and (4) theoretical literature. (rookfield, 1995 cited in: Arts Teaching & Learning Network, nd, p.1)

Nurse Educator Role in Patient-Care Facility & Two Important Actions to Ensure Growth as an Educator

The work of Hoskins and Thompson (2009) state in the work entitled "Promoting…...



Brookfield's Four Lenses: Becoming a Critically-Reflective Teacher. Arts, Teaching & Learning Network. Faculty of Arts. The University of Sidney. Retrieved from: 

Bryant, Barbara (2010) Patient Teaching Tips. E-How. Retrieved from:

Cook, L.J. (2005). Inviting teaching behaviors of clinical faculty and nursing students' anxiety. Journal of Nursing Education, 44, 156-161.

Hoskins, P. (2004). Collaboration: An essential element for patient teaching. Rehabilitation Nursing, 29, 111.

Self-Reflection Psychiatric Mental Health in
Pages: 3 Words: 887

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills, and Practices would prove an excellent and exhaustive source. Essentially a handbook that will be of value not just to a student in the field but also to a practicing professional, the reference offers an actionable framework through which one can channel one's own experiences and needs. In this regard, the text book is perhaps the most effective instrument that we have used in the course as a mode of improving professional development goals. The text speaks from the presumption that we have already begun to engage certain treatment experiences and works from that gathering knowledge to build a professional foundation in each individual student.
However, I would find with some disappointment that the clinical aspects of this course did not match the sentiment of the text. I should say that my expectations have been somewhat informed by prior experiences in the educational context…...


Works Cited:

Mohr, W.K. (2008). Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Evidence-Based Concepts, Skills and Practices. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; Seventh edition.

Murphy, K. (2006). Managing the Ups and Downs of Bipolar Disorder. Nursing, 36(10).

Self-Reflection Personal Values in Personnel
Pages: 2 Words: 566

Reward is for me a more effective incentive to perform than the threat of punishment, since negative feedback often results in negative or minimal performance.
Having said the above, it is also important to me that my personnel would have skills to support possible unpredictable occurrences in the workplace. My leaders would therefore have qualities that are not necessarily part of my own psychological set of strengths.

Leadership Style would use a democratic leadership style, because I like others to voice their opinions honestly and without fear. While I highly prize respect for authorities, I think respect for one's employees is equally important. If there is no mutual respect, work performance on the part of both my workers and myself will inevitably suffer.


The greatest challenge for me in working with personnel is my attachment to consistency. I do not function very well in changing environments, and would therefore need to be…...

Self-Reflection Writing the Proposal Annotated Bibliography and
Pages: 4 Words: 1208

Writing the proposal, annotated bibliography, and research argument on overfishing in the Pacific Ocean has been an exciting and challenging process. The exciting aspects of this task originate from the lessons and skills I have gained regarding the topic and on conducting research. This task has also provided me with a new perspective regarding the problem of overfishing across the globe, especially in the Pacific Ocean. On the contrary, this process has also had several complexities including the scarcity of previous researches that have been carried out regarding the issue. Most of the documented aspects on the issue of overfishing basically focus on the impact of the issue on Pacific island nations from an economic perspective. As a result, it was challenging to find resources that specifically address the issue in light of its increased practice in the Pacific Ocean.

Learned Experiences:

The process of writing an annotated bibliography, proposal, and research…...

Self-Reflection the Field of Social Work Is
Pages: 6 Words: 1574

The field of social work is complicated and requires a great deal of human empathy and understanding. It is also important to have the ability to analyze things from an intellectual perspective using critical thinking and reasonable understanding. When both of these forces are combined in harmony, problems become much more solvable and knowledge flows much freer and is much more effective.

The purpose of this essay is t combine these skills by analyzing two pieces of literature dealing with poverty and the effects of social work. David K. Shipler's The Working Poor: Invisible in America and The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls are the two books that will be compared in this essay. To do this, this work will evaluate each book separately and indentify personal thoughts, feelings and values associated with each. A comparison will then be made between the two works to complete a fuller knowledge towards understanding…...



Shipler, D. (2005). The working poor: Invisible in America. New York: Vintage

Schwartz, B., Landrum, R., & Gurung, R. (2011). An easy guide to APA.

Walls, J. (2005). The glass castle. New York: Scribner.

Self-Reflection on the Self the Merriam-Webster Dictionary
Pages: 3 Words: 1026

Self-eflection on the Self
The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the self as "the evaluation by oneself of one's worth as an individual in distinction from one's interpersonal or social roles." If find this definition to be lacking of any real substance, especially when contemplating the role of the self in the social world. The word social is also important and is defined as "relating to or involving activities in which people spend time talking to each other or doing enjoyable things with each other." The self in the social world therefore represents my own view of the self in relation to my own views of others 'activities.

To me, the self is a divine source of energy that radiates and pulsates throughout everything in nature. There are compelling scientific models that suggest that this mysterious energy is in fact ever present and all powerful. This power radiates within my own incarnation as a…...



Merriam-Webster Dictionary (nd). "Self." Viewed 7 July 2014 Retrieved from 

Merriam-Webster Dictionary (nd). "Social." Viewed 7 July 2014 Retrieved from

Self-Reflection and the Philosophical Mirror in Plato's
Pages: 4 Words: 1527

Self-Reflection and the Philosophical Mirror
In Plato's Socratic dialogue in Apology, Socrates makes the bold declaration that "the unexamined life is not worth living" (Apology 38a). Since I am a great believer in the value of self-examination, this quote seemed to be a perfect opening to my essay. However, as I delved deeper into the text, I began to realize that this quote is often taken out of context. On a surface level, the "unexamined life" concept seems to represent the notion that if we do not reflect on our experiences and apply them to our own lives as an apparatus for learning and self-improvement, then our experiences are of little value. However, on a deeper level, this Socratic proposition stems from the inevitable alienation that an individual experiences by holding true to this. The need to feel that we are part of a group is in many ways an inherent…...


Works Cited

Anagnostopoulos, Georgios, Aristotle on the Goals and Exactness of Ethics, University of California Press, 1994. Print.

Aristotle, Transl. By David Ross, The Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford World's Classics), Oxford University Press, 1998. Print.

Cahn, Steven M., Classics of Modern Political Theory: Machiavelli to Mill, Oxford University Press, 1996. Print.

Cooper, Terry. The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role (5th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Jossey-Bass. 2006. Print.

Self-Reflection Is One of Those Things That
Pages: 2 Words: 647

Self-reflection is one of those things that build a person. It draws a line between the person you were, and the person you are now. This allows growth and progress, it forces the person to acknowledge their faults and move on. The end of a class and the drawing near of the semester is a great time for such self-reflection.
This class was intended to bring a certain level of understanding, skills, and general knowledge to the students attending. Certain objectives needed to be fulfilled, certain knowledge must have been instilled in order for the class to be complete. These objectives, of course, focus around the course modules.

The first module was "Interpret how operations management influences organizational effectiveness." I will be honest, and admit that I was originally intimidated when I read this objective. It seemed so unnecessarily obfuscated. What did it mean? But, as I began to study, and listened…...

Self-Reflection Nursing and Culture Sensitivity There Are
Pages: 2 Words: 703

Nursing and culture sensitivity

There are no cultures that are superior to others within the social setting and the practices of each given community has specific reason for their existence hence the need to uphold such even within the nursing fraternity. This calls for culture sensitive nursing practices and behavior during the interaction between the nurse and the patient. Hitherto my learning on the nature of culturally sensitive nursing and its role in nursing, I viewed nursing as a practice and a profession that began and ended with the patient seeing the nurse for the particular illness and the nurse undertakes the routine checklist of the drugs administration. This however has changed and I realized that nursing is continuous and is interactive. It is continuous in a manner that even in the absence of the nurse, the interaction still goes on. If the nurse mishandled the patient or showed gestures of…...

Self-Reflection Is Critical to the Development of
Pages: 2 Words: 604

Self-eflection Is Critical to the Development of Personal Education Platform and Work as an Educational Leader
The development of a personal education platform demands critical self-reflection for prospective education leaders to understand themselves. It entails educational leaders grasping their unvarnished, genuine, or sacred self. This introspective process guides educational leaders by engaging in self-interrogation. The process of critical self-reflection guides educational leaders across the liberation path for themselves and others. Educational leaders begin by liberating themselves and fragmenting the search for emancipation, understanding, and clarity.

Self-reflection is an inwardly coordinated process created through various external forces. It is marked by changes in thinking. Therefore, the change an individual wants to achieve will have to be formulated in his/her mind. After leaders reflect deeply on their biases, assumptions, beliefs, feelings and stereotypes, they can then see themselves and their components with great clarity. Self-reflection enables leaders to question sources of their beliefs,…...



Kotter, J.P. (2009). John P. Kotter on what leaders really do. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.

Self-Reflections on Being
Pages: 3 Words: 1007

Professional Being
People rarely take the time to get to know themselves. If one does not know oneself, one can never really know anyone else. Self-reflection refers to the capacity for an individual to employ introspection and the willingness to be able to investigate their drives, desires, expectations, needs, wants, competencies, and more about how a person views one's own purpose and nature. Self refection can be applied to one's professional goals, personal goals, and nearly every situation in which a person encounters in their life.

An attorney who honestly exercises self-reflection is clear about their motives, goals, and how they should handle all aspects of their professional and personal life with respect to these. The self-reflective attorney is completely honest during this introspection. Sometimes this can be scary, but it is important that one understand oneself completely in order for self-reflection to be effective. The self-reflective attorney understands their background, their…...

Entrepreneurial Dynamic Leadership Process Self-Reflection I Have
Pages: 5 Words: 1533

Entrepreneurial Dynamic Leadership Process Self-Reflection
I have found the Entrepreneurial Dynamic Leadership Process (EDLP) model to be very helpful and relevant in reviewing my own leadership experiences and behaviors so far in my life. I really appreciate the model's emphasis on self-leadership. Leaders must first lead themselves in order for others to follow, or for them to inspire others to action, including their own leadership. I especially enjoy the metaphor of self-leadership as the toolbox, and the other leadership styles as tools.

I also find the idea of leadership styles as something that one can pick and choose from, rather than simply have a style that one is stuck with and have to try and adapt to circumstances, to be liberating and even empowering. Until this point in my life, I had thought of one's leadership style as an aspect of one's self, like height, personality or intelligence that cannot be changed…...

Post Self-Reflection the Female Is
Pages: 2 Words: 489

She appears to be well balanced. She is a pre-med student with a minor in business. Being an only child, her parents wanted her to live at home and commute, however, she chose to live on campus and feels she would miss out on much of the college social life if not for dorm life. She loves the experience of dorm life and enjoys the independence from her over-protective parents.

She admits to being shy when she first came, especially around males. She says she was not sure how to communicate with them, since she came from an all-girls school. However, she seems to have adjusted to socializing with mixed-gender groups and admits that she enjoys meeting new people everyday.

She admits to being intimidated by the size of the classes and the fact that she could not talk to her professor any time she felt like it. She also admits that…...

Leadership Self-Reflection I Scored Low
Pages: 4 Words: 1236

When it comes to "encouraging the heart" I need to be bolder and more communicative in ways that I can express my appreciation to my athletes, and thus encourage them to perform at their best level. As this strategy involves the act of recognizing "individual contributions to the success of every project" and "Celebrating team accomplishments regularly" communication is clearly key. I definitely need to be more proactive and praising my athletes and talking about how important their hard work is to me, regardless of the outcome of the match. it's important for me to thank my athletes from time to time and express how much their courage and their risk-taking is inspiring to me and to the entire school. Such words can work wonders in boosting morale and helping athletes keep the "bigger picture" of events in their mind.

Essentially, all the key aspects of leadership are the areas that…...



Baldoni, J. (2012, March 6). Wh Great Leaders Inspire Others. Retrieved from 

Kouzes, J., & Posner, B. (n.d.). The leadership challenge. Retrieved from

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