Cultural Experience Community Service For Chapter


This taught me how to become educated about those issues. For me, this was important in heightening my civic awareness. There are things going on that are very important but most people simply don't know about. For me, it was surprising to learn about the role of government and perhaps even more importantly the role of individual citizens in government. Going into marketing, I need to understand the legal environment and this means that I should have a pulse on the political environment. More important than that, however, is what I learned about my rights...


This is the most important thing -- that I know who my representatives are, what they stand for and how to talk to them so that they know what I stand for. I had to learn how to identify issues, and how to process the information in the media about those issues. These are things they don't really teach you in school, so some people never learn them. I really appreciated learning this. It may not do much for me in my career, but it will make me a better American because I know that much more about politics than I did before.

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