Doughboys, The Great War, And Book Review


While the assertion may seem outlandish, Keene does prove the case using primary source data. Moreover, the author underscores the importance of the research as helping to prevent the repetition of past mistakes. What Keene suggests is that soldiers today should learn from the courage and solidarity created in the army during World War One. The soldiers fighting for the flag in France had no official labor organizer. Although a few key figures strengthened the doughboy resolve to change military culture, no one leader emerges as a cult figure. Instead, the soldiers that dedicated their lives to their country performed a sacrifice above and beyond their call of duty upon enlisting. The doughboys endeavored to make the United States Army more American. As veterans continue to fight for adequate benefits and social services, Doughboys...


The Great War has often been overshadowed by its successor, even though what took place during World War One had a direct bearing on World War Two. Keene draws the direct parallel between the labor activism of doughboys to the G.I. Bill passed after the Second World War. The author does not ignore the practical and global implications of World War One; Keene simply paints a fuller picture of war than other authors and historians. War does not only depend on the outcome of battles but also on how those battles were fought.

Keene, Jennifer D. Doughboys, the Great War, and the Remaking of America. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

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Keene, Jennifer D. Doughboys, the Great War, and the Remaking of America. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2001.

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