Dyslexia Being Dyslexic Is Like Term Paper


In a culture that strongly emphasizes literacy as a primary, fundamental social skill, having either dyslexia or autism can make it difficult to cope in social situations. Dyslexia, however, does not come in the way of most social interactions whereas autism might. If more is understood about autism and the different ways autistic individuals perceive, perhaps we can devise new methods of communication similar to the way that sign language has become a complete lexicon for the hearing impaired.

Dyslexia and autism can therefore remind us to be more open-minded, and more willing to entertain different viewpoints and perspectives. The dyslexic or autistic child is not stupid; he or she simply possesses a different coding system, a different way of interpreting the signs and symbols of human communication. I intend to study the brain's construction of coding systems, including the neurophysiological origins of...


By grasping the structural or organic etiology of the disorder, it may be possible to develop pharmaceutical solutions for autism in addition to therapeutic ones.
We can learn a lot from studying the effects of autism, not only about the disorder but also about human communication. The psychological and social effects of a learning disability I know first-hand, placing me in a position especially suitable for helping others with problems similar to mine. However, dyslexia is a relatively mild disorder compared with autism; my personal struggles fade fast when I meet my cousins and when I work one on one with other children with autism. Thankful for having succeeded in a mainstreamed high school program in spite of having dyslexia, I expect that through my work in the future we will allow children with autism and other disabilities to enjoy a rich social and personal life too. Thank you for your consideration.

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References Corona, F., Perrotta, F., Polcini, E.T., & Cozzarelli, C. (2012). Dyslexia: An altered brain architecture. Journal of Social Sciences, Vol. 8, Issue 2, 235-237. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/results?sid=721b1e27-67d8-463d-b4d9-44a305535bd1%40sessionmgr113&vid=2&hid=106&bquery=Dyslexia%3a+and+%22An%22+and+Altered+and+Brain+and+Architecture&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWNvb2tpZSxpcCx1cmwsY3BpZCZjdXN0aWQ9czYyNDMzNDEmZGI9YXBoJnR5cGU9MCZzaXRlPWVob3N0LWxpdmU%3d Goswami, U. (2008, June). Reading, dyslexia and the brain. Educational Research, Vol. 50, No. 2, 135-148. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?vid=8&sid=721b1e27-67d8-463d-b4d9-44a305535bd1%40sessionmgr113&hid=4&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlPWNvb2tpZSxpcCx1cmwsY3BpZCZjdXN0aWQ9czYyNDMzNDEmc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl#db=aph&an=32707926 International Dyslexia Association (2002) What is dyslexia? The international dyslexia association website. Retrieved April 28, 2013, from http://www.interdys.org/FAQWhatIs.htm Meisinger, E.B., Bloom,

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