Educational Theory Meaning Of Authentic Term Paper

Instead, it is rigid and reinforced with bureaucracy and red tape, thus making it a poor system for education and children. Educating the whole child." Educating the whole child is an idea that took root in the early 20th century and is making a comeback in education. The educational model is conducted throughout the child's education - from kindergarten through high school, and recognizes the child is a complete being, with spirit, mind, and body, and each item must be addressed in the educational model. The model attempts to educate the "whole" child - heart, head, and hands, by offering education in a variety of areas, from academics to art and practical, hands-on activities. The children are encouraged to play as well as study, to help develop fully rounded personalities and ideas. Teachers also use storytelling, fairy tales, and other folk art as models for teaching and involving the children in the exercises. Educating the whole child is often used in private schools, and has not caught on in many areas in the public center. It is based on principles developed by Montessori and Waldorf, who both created their models in Europe in the early 20th century.

Education that makes a difference." Education that makes a difference is a philosophy of educating the student in areas that can make a difference in their lives and the lives of others. It is often used in conjunction with education in the environment, health, or other fields where students...


Education that makes a difference is also a philosophy the educator can emulate in the classroom and administration areas, by implementing quality educational programs that meet all the needs of students today and in the future.
It is easy to see that many of these educational theories can be combined to create detailed educational models for the classroom. For example, it seems as if education that makes a difference and educating the whole child are modules that could very easy supplement each other in the classroom and beyond. Learning more about educational theories helps the teacher get a better idea of what they hope to accomplish in the classroom, and what they hope their students will accomplish as well.


Editors. (2007.) Ism book. Retrieved from the Web site: March 2007.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (1999). Knowledge, violence, and education. Retrieved from the Encyclopedia of philosophy in education Web site: March 2007.

Waghid, Y. (2005). Action as an educational virtue: Toward a different understanding of democratic citizenship education. Educational Theory 55 (3), 323-342. doi:10.1111/j.1741-5446.2005.00006.x

Sources Used in Documents:


Editors. (2007.) Ism book. Retrieved from the Web site: March 2007.

Gur-Ze'ev, I. (1999). Knowledge, violence, and education. Retrieved from the Encyclopedia of philosophy in education Web site: March 2007.

Waghid, Y. (2005). Action as an educational virtue: Toward a different understanding of democratic citizenship education. Educational Theory 55 (3), 323-342. doi:10.1111/j.1741-5446.2005.00006.x

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