Effective Ways To Stop Terrorism Within The European Union Essay


Would a united police or military force for the EU be an effective tool for combating terrorism?
Terrorism continues to be a highly pervasive threat to only the developed economies, but to the world overall. For one, as technology continues to advance, the ability for terrorists to procure and utilize deadly weapons also increases? In addition, the diverse array of terrorism has grown in recent years as chemical weapons and cyber security becomes more prevalent. Finally, the ability to detect attacks has become much more difficult as culprits can now attack from anywhere in the world due to technology innovations. All of these elements create a horrifying future for those looking to guard against terrorist attacks. One way to effectively do so, is through collaboration. By united various forces within the developed world the ability to detect terrorist activity is greatly increased. This is primarily attributable to much more data, oversight, resources, and expertise. Technology may allow terrorists to attack from anywhere, but also allows countries to defend themselves from anywhere in the world as well. This is a great advantage as cooperation can help mitigate the negative elements of terrorist while also deterring individuals from committing violent acts (Ackerman,...…country may obtain information that can be useful for the entire nation. By sharing this information, countries can coordinate their efforts to deter or capture any suspected individuals. Through cooperation, countries can also act much more efficiently in apprehending would be offenders. For example, if an offender is suspected of fleeing to a particular country, the particular country can quickly be notified before he enters. Once notified, the country can initiate protocols to detain the individual through airports, border patrol or other means. A coordinate EU effort will be needed as terrorists become more sophisticated with their overall tactics (Antinori, 2017).…

Sources Used in Documents:


1. Ackerman, Gary A, and Lauren E. Pinson. “An Army of One: Assessing CBRN Pursuit and Use by Lone Wolves and Autonomous Cells.” Terrorism and Political Violence 26, no. 1 (January-March 2014): 226-245. https://doi.org/10.1080/09546553.2014.849945

2. Antinori, Arije. “From the Islamic State to the ‘Islamic State of Mind’: The Evolution of the ‘Jihadisphere’ and the Rise of the Lone Jihad.” European Police Science and Research Bulletin Issue 16 (Summer 2017): 47-55 https://bulletin.cepol.europa.eu/index.php/bulletin/article/view/241/206

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