Forensic Chemistry Forensics Is A Very Important Term Paper


Forensic Chemistry Forensics is a very important part of a crime scene investigation. There used to be a time when murders or crimes were left unsolved due to the lack of evidence. However with the advances in technology and research in forensics, crime solving has become a lot easier. The branch of science, which helps out in finding out important evidence, is known as Forensics Chemistry. Forensics Chemistry employs methods, which help in finding clues, which couldn't be found in any other circumstances. We can simply call it the application of a brand of chemistry at the scene of a crime. This is a science which helps us investigate chemical substances and can help trace the cause of the death of a human being by finding useful evidence. However it's not important that the crime scene may be a site of murder or theft. It could also be due to environmental factors by a corporation, hazardous working conditions from an industrial area or tainted food from a restaurant. With the help of forensic chemistry the cause of death is easily classified into a category.

The evidence could be both biological as well as inorganic. Biological evidence consists of anything (blood, bodily fluids, hair, etc.) while inorganic substances could be traces of poisonous substances, gunpowder residue, etc.

Forensic Evidence

It's the job of a Senior Forensic Chemist to be responsible for the proper handling of the forensic chemistry work. This involves the careful handling of the substances, which are seized from the scenes of a crime by law enforcement officials. The chemist has to apply a proper level of analysis, as it's a highly complex matter, which doesn't have any room for errors. If there is the presence of anything like "blood, gun, fingerprints, semen, hair, fiber, handwriting, shoe impression, DNA, or a tooth mark" then a forensic chemist...


They have to be present on the scene of a crime to identify the unknown substances. With their knowledge they can find out about the cause of death of a person. If a person has been poisoned a test is run to check for toxins in the blood. If there is a presence of nitrates in the skin, it indicates whether or not someone has fired a gun. Forensic chemistry plays an important part in criminal justice. A lot of crimes have been solved with the help of forensics chemistry. Analytic chemistry is closely linked with forensic chemistry because the latter uses the former in legal situations.
One of the most prominent ways of tracing the cause of the crime is the application of DNA profiling.

DNA Profiling

DNA profiling has been a remarkable tool as well as powerful breakthrough in forensic chemistry. DNA Profiling used to be known as DNA fingerprinting. Due to the advances in technology unsolved crimes have been solved. DNA profiling has helped to determine if the suspect has committed the crime or not. DNA profiling is now common in all Australian law enforcement authorities. Forensic testing is used on DNA so that it can build a profile to be identified. With the help of DNA profiles a suspect can be linked or excluded to a crime scene. DNA profiling has also helped to identify the unidentified corpses.

DNA is unique in the sense that each person has a different DNA pattern from the other person. DNA profiling used to be done by private companies, as the technology wasn't that common. They believed that the techniques they used had "the power to identify one individual in the world's population" and also declared, "that…

Sources Used in Documents:


Neufeld, Peter L. & Colman, Neville 1990, 'When Science Takes the Witness Stand', Scientific American, vol. 262, no. 5, May, pp. 46-53

Coelli, Andree 1989, 'One Chance in 165 Million', Australian Law News, September, pp. 22-6

Scutt, Jocelynne 1990, 'Beware of New Technologies', Legal Service Bulletin, vol. 15, no1, February, pp. 9-12.

Introduction to Forensic Chemistry

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