Genetic Nursing: Future Essay

Nursing and Genetics As noted by Lea (et al.) "Obtaining a family history is an established and familiar screening activity used by nurses and other healthcare providers across many healthcare settings" (Lea 2010:4). However, the increased commonality of doing a genetic profile on patients has made gathering such a family history far more revelatory than ever before. Nurses must gain a better understanding of how genetics affects patient health in a very specific fashion to be effective healthcare providers in the future. Nurses are "ideally situated" to inform patients about what genetic information means, given the patient-centered focus of the profession (Lea 2011: 3). Nurses must understand the implications of genetic testing to comprehend the extent to which a disease is likely to manifest itself in a patient. Patients must be able to realistically evaluate the threats they face.

At present, "genetic tests are offered to those suspected of having a genetic condition or identified as being in a high-risk group within a...


However, as the testing grows less expensive and less invasive, it may become more commonplace in the future and may include information about more minor conditions. Also, throughout the individual's lifespan, new knowledge of genetic tendencies may be required given that certain gene expressions can affect the efficacy of certain medications and treatments (Lea 2011: 7). As well as core competencies in terms of knowledge, nurses must also have an awareness of the emotional issues which genetic testing can provoke in the patients and close family members to ensure a sensitive as well as informative response that is psychologically astute.
Given the multifaceted knowledge-based and emotional components required in dealing with genetic information, nurses are increasingly seeking to specialize in this area. "Genetics nurses in advanced practice integrate…

Sources Used in Documents:


Conley, Y. & Tinkle, M. (2006). The future of genomic nursing research. Journal of Nursing

Scholarship, 38: 213-218

Lea, DH (et al. 2011). Implications for educating the next generation of nurses on genetics and genomics in the 21st century. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 43:1, 3 -- 12.

Lea, DH (2006). U.S. genetics nurses in advanced practice. Journal of Nursing Scholarship,

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