Government Political Philosophy Political Philosophy: Research Paper

Each form of government has certain disadvantages and advantages. The advantage of democracy is obviously that it allows for freedom of expression and participation; whereas, an oligarchy or tyranny only allows for the freedom and participation in government by a few. Democracy is based on a philosophical principle of human equality. On the other hand, as Plato suggests, democracy can also lead to an overemphasis on individual freedom, which can lead in turn to anarchy and loss of control. The ideal of an elite form of government is based on the philosophical view that some are more capable than others to govern; which is contrary to the democratic philosophy that all men are born equal.

In the final analysis, the question of the role and functioning of government depends on the underlying philosophy or political stance which informs that particular society or culture. It depends on factors such...



Wilson, Woodrow. The Functions of Government. Web. 12 February 2010.


Comparison of Marx and Locke: Views on Government, Property and Labor. Web. 12

February 2010. (

What Is an Oligarchy. Web. 12 February 2010. (

What is the function of government? Web. 12 February 2010.


Sources Used in Documents:


Draper, Hal. MARX on DEMOCRATIC FORMS of GOVERNMENT. Web. 12 February


Wilson, Woodrow. The Functions of Government. Web. 12 February 2010.

February 2010. (
What Is an Oligarchy. Web. 12 February 2010. (

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"Government Political Philosophy Political Philosophy " (2011, February 15) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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