Hearing Loss Reflection / Feedback Log 1 Article

¶ … hearing loss Reflection / Feedback Log #1 Children with Deafness and Hearing Loss:

While working with children who experience difficulty in hearing, I have learned that they are essentially children who do not have a capacity to hear 25 decibel or better in both ears. It is important to note the difficulties that such children with deafness or hearing difficulty of encounter in their everyday life. The severity of the condition can range from mild to acute. The closeness and interaction with such children has shown that their condition needs to be ascertained by a specialist and then they need to be trained in specific learning techniques. The special needs for such children needs to be understood as they tend to fail to communicate with their peers in class.

Topic #2: Main functions of Behavior

Such children with hearing deficiencies tend to get isolated from the class. Their impairment causes them to get into their shell and stay in their shell. They are not able to communicate properly as they cannot hear properly. It is not hard to identify such students but difficult to assess the severity. Such children seem lost and often feel left out from the crowd while they try and mix with the peers. After the initial attempts fail they tend to get into their shells and remain cut off from the crowd. I have come to understand that this also diminishes their self-confidence. I have also noticed that such children also are affected emotionally from this deficiency.

Topic #3: Dos and Don'ts

This condition in children puts the children in a form of isolation from the general students in the class as well as in the society. In my interactions with Sejgi in a one to one basis I have learnt that it is important for early detection and intervention in cases of hearing loss. Children like Sejgi generally undergo speech therapy if possible it is important to try and understand what they want to say as they cannot hear and often resort to sign language for communication. It is also necessary as an intervention agent to uplift the self-confidence of such children in dealing with the problems of daily life.

Topic #4: The Functional Behavioral Assessment

Children like Sejgi often remain isolated and can be distinguished at an early age from the way they do not react to sounds and words. I have noticed initially that Sejgi was also irritable and did not want to talk. This was due to them being felt left out from the crowd. Their actions also can lack confidence.

Topic #5: Behavioral Intervention Plan

It is generally the parents of Sejgi who play the most important part in her life. They are the people with whom she spends the most of the time and they should continue with the therapy tat specialists suggest. Sejgi would be treated by her speech therapist specialist, the social work team and supported by her parents can help Sejgi slowly gain confidence and communicate with other sin an understandable manner. The intention was to enable her to be able to learn some communication skills and understand what others say.

Introduction to Teaching Students with ADHD or Gifted Reflection / Feedback Log # 1

Topic #1: Children with ADHD/Gifted:

My association with children with ADHD/Gifted problems has taught me that such children are very difficult to identify. Though they have some typical syndromes like being fidgety with hands and squirms, difficulty in remaining seated, distracted by extraneous stimuli, blurts out answers to questions before they have been completed, shifts from one uncompleted task to another and talks excessively among other indications. It becomes a problem to identify such children especially if they are gifted. Therefore I have seen that for such children it is absolutely necessary that very expert advice is used to diagnose the problem.

Topic #2: Main functions of Behavior

Such children like Sejgi are like any other children and in class and it is almost impossible to identify one without expert advice. This becomes more difficult if the child, like Sejgi, is talented and gifted. Such children are generally non-attentive in class and are a cause of disturbance. Sejgi, like other children with this problem, is very inattentive and seems not to be obedient. Such children lose concentration and yet are able to provide immediate answers and replies to questions in class. I have noticed that such children like Sejgi are impulsive, do not listen to commands in social contexts, and are more active and restless than normal children.

Topic #3: Dos and Don'ts

I have learnt from my close interaction with Sejgi and other similar...


Teachers and parents need to use the assistance of expert advice. The students should not be scolded for being inattentive or not obeying orders. I have learned that they need to be made to understand. I have also seen in the case of Sejgi that she needed to be often reminded about the importance of a task and the importance of following directions from teachers and others. I have also learned that such children need to be treated in an emotional manner as they are often mentally somewhat cut off from the rest of the world around them.
Topic #4: The Functional Behavioral Assessment

In my interactions with Sejgi I have noticed that she and children like her are do not pay attention most of the time, are generally not interested in tasks that do not have immediate consequences and they are impulse and have poor delay of gratification. I have also noted that Sejgi tend to disobey commands especially in social contexts and do not like to adhere to rules and regulations.

Topic #5: Behavioral Intervention Plan

It is quite difficult to identify and distinguish children like Sejgi from normal children. Intervention requires to be made at an early stage so that they can be corrected. Teacher and parents play a very important role in this. Achievement and personality tests and parent and teacher rating scales are means that can help determine the problem of children like Sejgi and distinguish it from giftedness. The tests allow for determination of attention problems and emotional problems as well. Therefore parents and therapists and teacher are the most important intervention points for Sejgi and her likes.

Teaching Students who are undergoing Transition to adulthood Reflection / Feedback Log # 1

Topic #1: Children who are undergoing Transition to adulthood:

Being associated with children who are undergoing transition to adulthood has made me realize that such children often face a range of developmental issues. The concept of independent living becomes a significant goal for such children. Such children face some typical problems like reducing interaction with parents increasing mental pressure of becoming independent and assuming the roles of an adult. However my experience in working with children like Sejgi who are stepping into adulthood are shown that they are emotionally vulnerable and therefore prone to risks posed by the outer world. There are problems of stepping out into a hostile world from the close protection of family. Many a times, children like Sejgi, struggle to achieve self-reliance and slowly moving into roles of adults that include work, education and social roles.

Topic #2: Main functions of Behavior

Such children like Sejgi can become irritable and difficult to talk to by the parents and the teachers. They tend to develop their own world and justifications. They are also emotionally vulnerable which causes a range of complexities in their behaviors at home and in the society and school. Such children like Sejgi are often frustrated at not being able to handle the pressure of transition. This can often lead the children to find easier ways of get relief which include drugs and alcohol.

Topic #3: Dos and Don'ts

In my period of close interaction with Sejgi on a one to one basis, I have learned that such children need to be understood. Being emotionally vulnerable they need special care and they expect that the adults, especially at school and at home, understands their needs and wants. They need to be made to understand certain facts and simply imposing rules and regulations would not work on children like Sejgi undergoing transition to adulthood.

Topic #4: The Functional Behavioral Assessment

It is not difficult to understand such children like Sejgi if one can recall the same process within oneself when he/she was undergoing such a transition. The behavioral aspect of such children takes a dramatic turn as they start considering themselves to be adults and hence demand and crave for independence. Their behavior changes with respect to taking orders and following direction. Being emotionally vulnerable they are also sometimes prone to erratic behavior. Being rebellious sometimes suit them to vent out their frustrations of often not being able to handle the self-inflicted pressure of taking the role of adults

Topic #5: Behavioral Intervention Plan

Such children like Sejgi undergoing transition to adulthood need to be tackled with care. The knowledge I have gained from my interactions with Sejgi is that they are sometimes difficult…

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"Hearing Loss Reflection Feedback Log 1" (2015, March 31) Retrieved April 26, 2024, from

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"Hearing Loss Reflection Feedback Log 1", 31 March 2015, Accessed.26 April. 2024,

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