Historical Psychology Research Paper


Psychological Testing The science of Psychology has evolved over time and certain studies have been instrumental in that evolution. Two of the more famous studies that have revolutionized the field were the Rorschach inkblot study of 1942, and the study in 1962 by Calhoun on the effects of overcrowding. These two scientific studies changed the field of psychology and our understanding of human behavior.

The Rorschach inkblot test is one of the most famous studies in the history of Psychology. As stated in the published study, "the experiment consists in the interpretation of accidental forms, that is, of non-specific forms." (Rorschach, 1951, p. 15) Inkblots are created by dripping ink on a piece of paper and then folding the paper. The researchers maintain that it is important that the resulting inkblot fulfill certain requirements, but most importantly the inkblot must be symmetrical. The inkblots are then shown to the subject and they are asked "what might this be?" (Rorschach, 1951, p. 17) Their answers are recorded, and the subjects perception of the inkblot is analyzed. It is important to state that what is analyzed in not the subject's interpretation of the inkblot, but their perception of...


To this day the test is still considered a valid form of evaluation, especially among correctional psychologists, forensic psychologists, and children's psychologists. However, critics claim the problem with this test is that it's evaluation of the subject's responses are highly subjective. In other words, the subject must interpret the inkblot, while the researcher must interpret the subject's response in light of what the researcher has interpreted the inkblot to represent. This is why if this study were presented today, many psychologists would reject it as too subjective and without a measurable result.
Another scientific study which has had a great impact on the field of Psychology was J.B. Calhoun's 1962 study involving the effect of overcrowding on society. In this study, Calhoun researched the effects of allowing populations of rats to reproduce as much as the could, but within a confined space, and with a limited amount of resources. The study demonstrated that when the density of…

Sources Used in Documents:


Calhoun, J.B. (1962). "Population Density and Social Pathology." Scientific American. 206, 139-48.

"Letting the Rat out of the Bag, The Cultural Influence of John B. Calhoun's Rodent Experiments." (2009) London School of Economics and Political Science. Retrieved from http://www2.lse.ac.uk/researchAndExpertise/researchHighlights/Environment/rats


Rorschach, Hermann. (1951). Psychodiagnostics: A Diagnostic Test Based on Perception, 2nd Ed.. Retrieved from http://www.archive.org/stream/psychodiagnostic011205mbp#page/n7/mode/2up

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