Human Population There Are Two Primary Biological Essay


Human Population There are two primary biological mechanisms that determine the growth and suspension of species: natality (birth) on the one hand, and mortality (death), on the other. Amongst humans, other factors may intervene in their natality factor and these include economics, migration, physical upkeep, and social forces of various sorts (Pearl, (1927). This is due to the fact that humans have a rational capacity that other organisms lack, hence humans can, using secondary factors, generally manufacture and design their own rate of growth, as well as engage in reproductive decision-making and in general decisions that lead to sustaining or annihilating their species. To that end, they can decide (which they have done at times) to annihilate one or other subcategories of their species, as well as to destroy themselves. Other animals, on the other hand, act in an instinctive manner, and lacking this rational choice-making ability, follow a more ore less j-shaped...


Related to this is the fact that other organisms have a shorter lifecycle, sometimes instinctively killing themselves (or being cannibalized) instantly after giving birth, whilst humans, through their intellectual capacities have managed to prolong their lives and maintain their existence according to conducted research and endeavors to implement this research.
One of the best ways to deal with human population growth is through education. Knowledge is power, but knowledge, more so, is motivation. Since many individuals, however, engage in multiple reproduction due to social or religious pressures, education is insufficient and more relevant, and currently none-existent measures, need to be devised and implemented in controlling global population growth.

Abortion clinics should be established in attractive and confidential manner in regions where religious or cultural restrictions might discourage individuals from openly…

Sources Used in Documents:


Cunningham, W.P., & Cunningham, M.A.(2009). Principals of Environmental Science: Inquiry & Applications (5th ed.) USA: McGraw Hill.

Pearl, R., (1927). The growth of populations. The Quarterly Review of Biology, 2, 532

Rosen, F. (2003). Classical Utilitarianism from Hume to Mill. USA: Routledge.

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