Human Services Interrelationships Between Several Features Of Term Paper


Human Services Interrelationships between several features of "critical learning": Not accepting things at face value, until self-reflection has taken place and the reasons for believing certain arguments have been fully flushed out, is an important concept in the process of critical learning. So, too, is "bridging differences" -- which is really another way of saying "finding common ground" in any situation where individuals are from vastly different cultures, or socioeconomic classes. Putting critical learning into real life situations entails knowing the standpoints of people social workers are trained to help and support, but moreover, being able to change one's approach based on real world realities in the community shows maturity. To wit, self-reflection has an interrelationship with conscientization, because everything one thinks that one knows should be challenged and in the end the social worker (outsider) is allied with the insider in the process of providing help.

Differentiate the standpoint of insiders and outsiders in the context of human services: the outsider looks at the standpoint of...


The outsider examines the beliefs, the values, of the insider to determine what the insider's reasons are for having those arguments and positions. If the outsider knows what the standpoint (experience leading to truth) is that the insider had taken, and that means the outsider has more than a vague clue about the perspective of the inside, then he can relate to the differences between the two values, which may be in conflict with one another.
In other words, if the outsider relates to the standpoint of the insider -- even though the two may not agree on what is needed -- there can possibly be a consensus on a plan of action. Moreover, if the social worker fully understands the standpoint of the client (insider), and can identify the values and possible points of conflict that could arise based on knowing the standpoint, a more thorough analysis can take place vis-a-vis the social worker, which in turn can be helpful in…

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Works Cited

Baines, Donna. (2007). Anti-Oppressive Social Work Practice.

Hooks, Bell. A Revolution of Values: The Promise of Multicultural Change

Narayan, Uma. Working Together Across Differences: Some Considerations on Emotions and Political Practice.

Unit 1 -- Critical Learning

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