Impact Of Divorce On Relationships Book Report

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What do you think are the main factors in our society that have caused high divorce rates? Do you foresee a time in the near future when virtually no couples will remain married to each other throughout their lives?

Divorce rates have been on the rise in recent years, and several factors have contributed to this trend. Some of the main factors include changes in societal values and attitudes, economic pressures, and a lack of communication and commitment in relationships.

One of the main factors that have caused high divorce rates in our society is the changing values and attitudes toward marriage and relationships. In the past, marriage was seen as a lifelong commitment, and divorce was considered a last resort (Weiten et al., 2018). However, today, many people view marriage as a temporary arrangement and are more willing to end a relationship if it is not working out. This shift in perspective has led to more people entering marriages with less commitment and ending marriages when things get tough.

Another factor that has contributed to high divorce rates is economic pressure. With the rising cost of living and the changing job market, many couples struggle to make ends meet. Financial stress can put a lot of strain on a relationship and can make it difficult for couples to maintain a healthy and happy marriage. According to Weiten et al. (2018) many people focus on their careers rather than starting...…for their personal lives, it may be more challenging for couples to maintain a healthy and happy marriage (Weiten et al., 2018). Additionally, as the population continues to grow and people live in more densely populated areas, individuals may have more opportunities to meet and interact with different people, leading to more people choosing to end their marriages.

In conclusion, high divorce rates in our society are caused by various factors, including changes in societal values and attitudes, economic pressures, and a lack of communication and relationship commitment. Individuals need to recognize these factors and take steps to address them to promote healthy and successful relationships. This can include seeking counseling, engaging in open and honest communication, and committing to making a…

Sources Used in Documents:


Weiten, W., Dunn, D. S., & Hammer, E. Y. (2018). Psychology applied to modern life: Adjustment in the 21st century. Cengage Learning.

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