Improving Quality Level Of Health Care Term Paper

Cindy Janowski Quality Improvement

The purpose of quality management in the health care industry is to make sure that the patients receive care that is exceptional. Quality management is considered to be a function that health care institutions are liable for undertaking to display their carefulness and persistence in offering optimal care to their patients. In making application of quality management, health care stakeholders such as doctors and nurses can benefit from determining manners in which they can enhance their internal practices that will bring about more quality results for their patients (Buttell et al., 2008; Kim and Johnson, 1994).

The different stakeholders in the health care industry have different definitions of quality. The different outlooks or perspectives on the quality of health care bring about different expectations from the stakeholders. Patients consider quality to be the attempts and endeavors to do anything and everything. Being taken care of and prolonging the life of the person would be considered by the patient to be quality. On the other hand, for physicians as well as other providers of health care, quality is perceived as the medical results or outcomes. For instance, a physician would consider quality in terms of a tumor that has been shrunk through radiography. Other stakeholders are health...


This implies that there are areas which must be monitored for quality. A vital component of quality improvement is the monitoring of aspects of health care that have high-risk levels, and also are in high volumes and are prone to problems. The main areas which must be monitored include the continuity of care of the patients, emergency care rendered, and also cause adverse patient instances which may encompass death. These areas are of importance because they are situations that can increase life or bring about death (National Commission on Correctional health Care, 2010).
There are external resources and organizations that provide Quality Improvement (QI) information. The resources are planned to assist public health…

Sources Used in Documents:


Buttell, P., Hendler, R., & Daley, J. (2008). Quality in healthcare: concepts and practice. The business of healthcare. Westport (CT): Praeger.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. (2015). Quality Improvement Organizations. Retrieved 16 September, 2015 from:

Institute For Health Care Improvement. (2015). Resources for Public Health Quality Improvement. Retrieved 16 September, 2015 from:

Kim, P. S., & Johnson, D. D. (1994). Implementing total quality management in the health care industry. The Health Care Manager, 12(3), 51-57.
National Commission on Correctional health Care. (2010). Continuous Quality Improvement. Retrieved 16 September, 2015 from:

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"Improving Quality Level Of Health Care" (2015, September 21) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

"Improving Quality Level Of Health Care" 21 September 2015. Web.27 July. 2024. <>

"Improving Quality Level Of Health Care", 21 September 2015, Accessed.27 July. 2024,

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