Intergenerational Conflict Term Paper


Intergenerational Conflict For many years, there has been discussion about the best ways to deal with rising costs of medical care for the elderly. Many say that those expenditures should be sacrificed so that the same money can be used for other purposes, including education and expanding other portions of the economy. And there is no doubt that all the figures concerned with the issue are alarming.

Here are just a few:

The Census Bureau estimates that the elderly population will more than double by 2050 to 80 million as the baby boomer generation grows older

Medicaid spends roughly $60 billion on long-term care, and the Congressional Budget Office expects it to rise to more than $75 billion by 2020.

Private long-term care insurance expenditures are expected to rise to little more than half of Medicaid expenditures -- $36.2 billion. (Fox-Grage)

But it would be the worst sort of shortsightedness to try to cure our medical expenditure bill by denying services and care to the elderly. Instead, we should attempt to cure the current -- and future -- medical costs dilemma by improving our attention to living in less medically damaging ways, many of which are already known to us, and more of which will become known as science deals...


This alone would cause intergenerational stress of extreme proportions. Even when an 'elder' is being cared for, in some relatively acceptable fashion, it causes generational stress. Washington Times writer Adrienne T. Washington reports on visiting a relative in a nursing home, and being appalled when a strange 'elder' Washington was helping broke down crying because she had not been treated kindly in such a long time. In addition, most people think the government will take care of it if they need a nursing home's care, but they would be wrong. Medicare/Medicaid pays very little, and only 4 million of the wealthiest of the senior population can afford supplemental policies, which cost $900 to $2,400 a year. (Fox-Grage) The burden of paying for…

Sources Used in Documents:


Caring for elderly parents is a health wake-up call. (2002, March 19). The Washington Times, p. B05.

Fox-Grage, W., & Shaw, T. (2000, April). The Crisis Ahead in Long-term Care. State Legislatures, 26, 30.

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