Leopard Giuseppe Di Lampedusa The Leopard Set Essay

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Leopard Giuseppe Di Lampedusa the Leopard set Sicily late 1800s early 1900s. Analyze author combines actual historical events (Garibaldi's revolution, Plebiscite Unification, .) fictional characters situations create effective backdrop main themes . Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's novel "The Leopard" -- A historical novel?

Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa's novel "The Leopard" is historical in character, considering that it uses an intriguing script with the purpose of putting across important historical events. Giuseppe focused on providing readers with a complex picture concerning the effect of the Risorgimento on the Italian society as a whole and on the Sicilian community in particular. The writer relates to how individuals in the upper class view the event and to their first-person perspective in regard to the impressive reform that everyone was waiting for at the time. Giuseppe uses his characters in an attempt to take readers directly into the late eighteenth-early nineteenth century society and actually paints an intriguing picture regarding this episode from a historical point-of-view.

Don Fabrizio, the Prince of Salina, is the central character in the novel and it is with his assistance that readers are enabled to learn more about the tension in Sicily during the time that the novel discusses. This person is an aristocrat and in spite of the fact that he is somewhat supportive concerning a change for the better, he is pessimistic about the future and generally believes that very few things are going to...


He is intellectual, but refrains from getting actively involved in being a part of the social order, as he would rather stand by and enjoy his life as others around him go through great efforts in order to make themselves heard.
Individuals who are in search of a solid plot when reading the novel are going to be disappointed, as it is not necessarily a plot-driven text. Its actual purpose is that of telling historical facts alongside of a plot that is meant to captivate readers in wanting to read more and thus learn more information.

Readers are probable to express sympathy toward Don Fabrizio in spite of the fact that he sometimes has the tendency to persecute his subordinates. The man is slightly unhappy with the fact that the old regime is collapsing under the weight of the newly installed system. Even with this, he refrains from getting involved in politics because he acknowledges that conditions are most probably going to change for the better as a result of the new order. This makes it possible for readers to understand that many aristocrats in Sicily…

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Giuseppe Tomasi Di Lampedusa, "The Leopard: Revised and with new material," (Random House, 07.09.2010)

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