Message To The Nation Mr. Term Paper


Now, I know that there are many of you out there tonight that do not agree with those that are not Christian, there are many of you that do not agree with gay and lesbian activities, and there are many of you that still think that women should stay 'in their place.' For all of you that feel that way tonight, let me say that, here in America, you are all entitled to any opinion you choose to have and the freedom of speech that we have in this great country lets you express that opinion if you wish. This freedom is very important. However, there is something even more important that I need the American people to do for me and for themselves and for their country tonight and every day in the future. I need the American people to work toward acceptance. Acceptance does not mean that you have to like, agree with, or condone what someone else does. But...


This is especially true when the results of the last election reflected such a divided opinion on who should lead this great country for the next four years and what kinds of values and beliefs the American people would be subjected to. Many of you out there tonight do not agree with the results of the election, and you are not happy with the choice that your fellow Americans made. Regardless of this, we are all in this together for the next four years, and those four years can be bad or good, depending on how hard we all work together as a nation. Acceptance is the key. Some things that are thought to be bad turn out to be wonderful. Keep an open mind and realize that this could be one of them.

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