Middle East Partnership Initiative Mepi  Research Proposal


One of the most notable strategies of the Middle East Partnership Initiative is its ongoing shift of resources to the less offensive path of economic developments that are regime-led. This is a shift from the program's traditional strategy of democracy promotion and involvement with local voluntary organizations (Yerkes par, 11). The program also tends to fund initiatives that are conducted by U.S. NGOs, which do not interfere with the established lines of regime-funded reform and programs that don't match the political realities of Arab nations.

MEPIs Social-Entrepreneurship Programs:

The Middle East Partnership Initiative supports and funds various economic projects that work with several groups to develop a framework for sustained growth. This is because the program considers entrepreneurship as an important vehicle to enhance economic conditions and increase job creation and social change within the Middle East region. The program is also committed to improving social and economic entrepreneurship to uncover innovation, promote the development of the private sector, and develop new opportunities for young people.

In Saudi Arabia, the Middle East Partnership Initiative works with both governmental and local organizations to promote the country's reform programs in education, economic development, and women's empowerment. One of the major social-entrepreneurship programs is the U.S.-Saudi Women's Forum on Social Entrepreneurship that focuses on promoting exchange programs...


1). This program was launched in 2008 to bring together female students from Saudi colleges and teach them about social entrepreneurship. Through exchange programs with other females in America, the team implemented six social enterprises comprising of a broad range of topics like rights for the disabled. The program has not only contributed to the sharing, evaluation, and judging of students in a forum for social enterprises but it has also received overwhelming positive response from the people of Saudi Arabia.

As an initiative focusing on the development and growth of the Middle East region, MEPI's programs are classified into local and regional level categories. While the program identifies and support major projects that boost civil society at the local level, it funds organizations that work towards change in the entire Middle East region.

Works Cited:

"SAUDI ARABIA COUNTRY PROFILE." U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative. U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative, 3 Jan. 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. .

Sharp, Jeremy M. "The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview." American Information Web. CRS Web, 20 July 2005. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. .

Yerkes, Sarah E. "The Middle East Partnership Initiative: Progress, Problems, and Prospects - Brookings Institution." Brookings - Quality. Independence. Impact. The Brookings Institution, 29 Nov. 2004. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. .

Sources Used in Documents:

Works Cited:

"SAUDI ARABIA COUNTRY PROFILE." U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative. U.S.-Middle East Partnership Initiative, 3 Jan. 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <http://photos.state.gov/libraries/uae/133619/country%20fact%20sheets/03-01-2010%20Saudi%20Arabia%20Country%20Profile.pdf>.

Sharp, Jeremy M. "The Middle East Partnership Initiative: An Overview." American Information Web. CRS Web, 20 July 2005. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <http://usinfo.org/enus/government/branches/docs/CRS%20MEPI%20overview.pdf>.

Yerkes, Sarah E. "The Middle East Partnership Initiative: Progress, Problems, and Prospects - Brookings Institution." Brookings - Quality. Independence. Impact. The Brookings Institution, 29 Nov. 2004. Web. 14 Oct. 2011. <http://www.brookings.edu/papers/2004/1129middleeast_wittes.aspx>.

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"Middle East Partnership Initiative Mepi " (2011, October 14) Retrieved July 27, 2024, from

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