Middle East Violence Three Major Sources Of Essay

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Middle East Violence Three major sources of violence in the Middle East are religion, nationalism and ideology. Each source contributes to some extent to the violence, depending on the conflict. Some conflicts are largely religious in nature, such as the Shiite uprising in the Sadaa region of Yemen (McGregor, 2005). Others are rooted in nationalism, such as the conflict between Kurds and Turks in southeastern Turkey (Haney, 1999). Most conflicts blend in an unhealthy dose of anti-Semitic racism and anti-U.S. ideology as well, including the genocidal ideologies of Hezbollah (Dershowitz, 2008) and Hamas (Bostom, 2009). Given this myriad causes, and the intransigent nature of most of the roots of conflict in the Middle East, there is little hope in the short for peace in the Middle East. The region has only known peace -- and tenuously at that -- under the thumb of strong rulers who suppress conflict. While it may be fanciful to propose a patchwork of newly independent states and a steady diet of multilateral dialogue, it is likely that any lasting peace founded on neoliberal solutions would take generations to take hold, as the hatred must first be filtered from mindset of the people.

Hamas is the ruling military junta of Gaza with a stated goal of wiping Israel from the map (Bostom, 2009). Hezbollah serves a similar dual political-military function in Lebanon, again including a long-term objection of obliterating Israel. Islamic Jihad is an umbrella name for a number of organizations in the Middle East, including Palestine and Lebanon. As with the others, it places primacy on the destruction of Israel. These groups are a threat to the United States. They have sympathizers in the U.S. And view the U.S. As supporting Israel and of lending power to Jews. These groups also have the capability...


interests in the Middle East. There a no circumstances under which negotiation with such groups should be tolerated. These groups are driven by ideology that does not allow for compromise, so no offer of concession from these groups can be taken seriously. They are not trustworthy, and negotiation would legitimize their odious goals.
The PKK (Kurdish Worker's Party) emerged as a galvanizing force among the Kurdish ethnic group, which exists in Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran (Haney, 1999) but its efforts are primarily focused on Turkey and the creation of a breakaway Kurdish state. The group relies on guerrilla warfare and terrorism to achieve its goals, which derive from subjugation of their language and culture by the Turkish state (Bruno, 2007). The Turks fear a Kurdish state in part because the Kurds are such a sizeable minority. The issue is largely one affecting national sensitivity, rather than a pragmatic view of the situation. The Kurds are entitled to their own nation-state, however, as was negotiated in the Treaty of Sevres following the defeat of the Ottoman Empire in World War I. However, that treaty was negotiated by the Turkish monarchy, and upon the overthrow of the monarchy by Kemal Ataturk the plan was subsequently rejected (Washington Post, 1999). Turk's take Ataturk's vision of their country to heart, explaining much of the resistance within Turkey to the idea of a Kurdish state. The Kurds, not surprisingly, have never forgiven the Turks for sidelining the Treaty of Sevres plan. The likelihood of a Kurdish state, however, is somewhat minimal. That there was no talk of one being established in the wake of the invasion of Iraq shows that outside of Kurdish areas there is no political will to address the issue any time soon.

Al-Qaeda is a…

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Blanchard, C. (2005). Al Qaeda: Statements and evolving ideology. CRS Report for Congress. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.fas.org/irp/crs/RL32759.pdf

Bostom, A. (2009). Confronting Hamas' genocidal hatred. American Thinker. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.americanthinker.com/2009/01/confronting_hamas_genocidal_je.html

Bruno, G. (2007). Inside the Kurdistan Worker's Party (PKK). Council on Foreign Relations. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.cfr.org/turkey/inside-kurdistan-workers-party-pkk/p14576

Dershowitz, A. (2008). Hezbollah's genocidal threat. Huffington Post. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.huffingtonpost.com/alan-dershowitz/hezbollahs-genocidal-thre_b_87261.html
Haney, E. (1999). Understanding the Turkey-Kurd conflict. InfoPlease. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.infoplease.com/spot/kurds1.html
McGregor, A. (2005). Shi'ite insurgency in Yemen: Iranian intervention or mountain revolt? Jamestown Foundation. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=367
Washington Post. (1999). Who are the Kurds? Washington Post. Retrieved May 6, 2011 from http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/inatl/daily/feb99/kurdprofile.htm

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